Ernnährung Österreich?

Wie Findet ihr die aktuellen Zahln von Österreich zur Ernährungsweise?

  • 51% sind Flexitarier
  • 2% sind Pecsetarier
  • 9% sind Vegetarier
  • 5% sind Veganer

Das is der höchste Anteil in der EU


Der Fleischkonsum hat sich von 109kg 2009 auf 59kg reduziert.

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1 year ago

Too many vegans. It should be less.

1 year ago

– Every year, 750 MILLIONS are slaughtered in Germany alone.

– most farm animals are farms. They are bred for maximum performance, which makes them very susceptible to diseases, malformations and tumors. Mastic animals grow so extremely fast that their body cannot keep. Lenaen lay 300 eggs a year, instead of 30 like the chickens. This often leads to inflammation of their laying apparatus. Milk cows must give 40 l of milk a day. Her existence alone is suffering.

– The animals are mutilated without anaesthesia. To the poultry the snails, pigs the tails, cows the horns. So that they do not hurt each other, which they do only because they are mentally disturbed by their immoral suffering

– When slaughtering, this often does not work properly with anaesthesia, so that the animals are aware of their slaughter According to the Federal Governmentin Germany, around 70 million poultry, six million pigs, 350 000 cattle and 100 000 sheep are absently polluted during slaughter. This means that every tenth animal experiences great pain and fear when dying.

– slaughterhouses are too rarely controlled in Bavaria, where most animals are kept, e.g.every 48 years on average.

– The attitude of farm animals is usually so cruel that many have to die of illnesses or injuries before the slaughter is reached. Your bodies are disposed of. For pigs, the 20%. Every fifth pig died before slaughter.

– many other problems such as too little space for the individuals, long-term stress for the animals being held too many at once, natural behaviors can not be exploited as wreaths and race, the animals live in their own shame what they would not do if they had a choice, etc.

1 year ago

MIr doesn’t care who feeds them.

1 year ago

I don’t care, but I can’t imagine the statistics being correct.

1 year ago

I don’t care what the Austrian eats.

1 year ago

The lowest meat consumption in Europe is Scandinavian, Spanish and French. Austria has traditionally always had a rather high, at least higher, than Germany and Switzerland.

I’m saving a score. Everyone wants to decide what he wants to eat.

The article doesn’t appear. The link to the source after which the Austrians are supposed to have the highest percentage of vegans does not spark and when vegans are talking and then Arnold Schwarzenegger was mentioned, I closed the tab. If you do propaganda for veganism, you should stay with the truth. There’s something about this:

“And so it surprises that Mr. Universe, Arnold Schwarzenegger, with the mid seventy tries to largely do without animal products.”

Yeah. Schwarzenegger has therefore lived fleshly for over 70 years of his life and in this time built up his muscular body to jump on the vegan hype at the end of his life – apparently from PR founders to sell himself as “good people”. Do the authors of such trivial propaganda articles really believe that halfway critically thinking people would still fall into such cheap PR-gymnastics?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nill

Nevertheless, meat consumption in Austria is higher than in Germany. In general, the South German-Bajuwaric cuisine is also more meaty than the North German, where more milk, beet, rye and fish are processed. I think you don’t say anything wrong when you think that more white sausages are eaten in Munich and Vienna than in all North German cities together…

1 year ago

But also meaty. The whole Bajuwarian tribe lives and dies with his domestic pigs. Have acquaintances in Tyrol and pigshaxl or sausages come to the table every day. When the Bajuwaren stop and become lukewarm vegans, I fear it will soon end with their practical talent and common sense.

In the case of veganism it is still necessary to ask whether it is more the cause or not a symptom of the loss of it. –

1 year ago

It’s really nice to me to feed other people.

1 year ago

I’m fine. Everyone feeds as he thinks it is right.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie07834

Everyone feeds as he thinks it is right.

You can do that. It is then necessary to consistently impose environmental costs as tax and to write real animal welfare into the law.

1 year ago
Reply to  DreiGegengifts

But then no more arable plants can afford the whole arable and animal experiments that lead to plant consumption. Or are you just talking about a specialistic cucumber eye tax?

1 year ago

Don’t believe any statistics you didn’t fake yourself. 51% flexibility? Never. I don’t know anyone who’s flexitarian.

1 year ago

Place for meals

1 year ago

but expandable, the proportion of flexiarians or Meat eaters should still be lowered.

1 year ago

Such beautiful statistics

1 year ago
Reply to  Nill


5% are vegans

Where is the statistics?

Meat consumption decreased from 109kg in 2009 to 59kg.

Meat consumption is not meat consumption

1 year ago

I’m talking about statistics…

1 year ago

It was also consumed, but not human.

1 year ago

Z.b. For feeding to the pet it was not consumed but consumed.

1 year ago

What does meat consumption mean?

What do you need meat except for food?

1 year ago

n Austria, meat consumption and consumption 2010 (according to Statistics Austria) are broken down as follows:

Meat consumption per head and year: 101 kg

Meat consumption per head and year: 65 kg

Pigmeat ……………….. 39,7 kg

Beef ……………….. 12.2 kg

Poultry meat ………………..12.2 kg

Lamb and other … 0,8 kg

Meat consumption decreased from 109kg in 2009 to 59kg.

Is wrong since 109 the consumption is and 59 the consumption…

To preach veganism, all means are