Nutrition – Human – Optimum?


I'm not really a perfectionist, but when it comes to nutrition, I definitely am!

However, I cannot find this diet.

What is the best diet for humans? The diet that keeps them healthy and fit!

Fruits, vegetables, and herbs. I'm sure we can all agree on that.

But now? What next?

Nuts probably too.

But what about fish? Meat? Milk? Pasta?
Some say meat is the unhealthiest thing, others swear by meat.

When it comes to fish, it is said that it is very healthy.

What about pasta? Is 150g of pasta a day healthy?

Cow's milk is very popular, but I also feel healthier without it.

Is a restaurant burger unhealthy now?

Is frozen pizza unhealthy?

I would love to know what the species-appropriate diet is that gives people absolute health and also allows them to build muscle.

Thank you😊🤔

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2 years ago

I think if you want you can no longer optimize this until you go, but for the average person enough if you simply feed healthy, so little sugar, meat in dimensions, little fertg dishes etc.

2 years ago


At first, I must disappoint you: a perfect diet for all people does not exist, and every person has something different needs, which requires another diet.

A healthy diet is in any case one that meets the need of any required nutrient to 100%. However, this is difficult to implement, since it is not possible for all nutrients to determine a precise need and which is then different from person to person. For an orientation, how much is needed, you can look at the website of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE).

Another criterion is to absorb as little harmful substances as possible. Here, too, it becomes quickly unclear, as many important nutrients become harmful at too high a dose. An example of this is salt, which is required, but can trigger high blood pressure in too large amounts. There are still thousands of other substances that can be harmful, which arise when you are too hot or fried. How much the influence on health is, however, difficult to say.

In addition, there are also substances that are not used to survive, but can still have positive effects on health. These include, among other things, the antioxidants from plants that protect the cells from oxidative stress and thus can have a cancer-preventing effect.

In addition, food is always connected with emotions. Regardless of the effect on the body, it is important that the food tastes. To eat food that doesn’t taste you because you think they are healthy is certainly not a good way, but you can also get used to much.

Furthermore, there are, of course, effects of diet that do not directly affect your own body. For many foods, the environment is heavily polluted, some products are produced by the exploitation of people and child labour, and animal food causes animal suffering. These are also asspects that should be taken into account in the search for an optimal diet, as it does not bring much to the high age to be healthy when the world around it is no longer.

To make it more concrete, here are a few general rules:

  • Mainly herbal products: at least two thirds to three quarters of food should be vegetable.
  • Possible unprocessed: less processing means that fewer nutrients are lost.
  • Possibly diverse and colorful: all nutrients are covered and it is not boring.
  • Little saturated fatty acids: they are mainly contained in animal fats, but also in palm and coconut oil.
  • Do not prefer full grain products: more nutrients and fiber.
  • One serving of legumes daily: e.g. chickpeas, lentils, beans or soya
  • As little sugar as possible
  • Meat if at all reduce to 300 to 600g per week, processed meat ( sausage etc) avoid as much as possible.
  • Avoid alcohol

Man could certainly continue the list for a very long time, but I believe the principle will be clear.

As far as fish is concerned, it is said that he is healthy because he abstains long-lasting omega-3 fatty acids, which is true for fat sea fish. However, fish is also polluted by pollutants. Algae oil can be a good alternative source.

Meat is especially carcinogenic in the form of sausage and, due to the high consumption of meat, fewer vegetables and legumes are eaten at the same time, thereby avoiding their positive aspects.

Milk products are a very important source of calcium, but otherwise have no special health-promoting effect and additionally saturated fatty acids which are more suboptimal.

Noodles are not directly harmful, but would be preferred as a whole grain variant. It also depends on which sauce you eat. Every day 150 grams of noodles would be a bit one-sided, more variety would be better. Rice, potatoes, pseudo-grained like amaranth or buckwheat can also be a good carbohydrate source.

Whether a burger is healthy from a restaurant, you can’t say at a flat rate, it depends on what’s in there and what the bread is.

Frozen pizzas are rather unhealthy: many saturated fatty acids, plenty of salt, little vegetables and little fiber.

In order to build muscles, you have to stress the muscles you want to increase. For growth and preservation, it is then necessary to absorb enough energy and to cover the protein requirement. To achieve this there are countless possibilities.

I hope I could give you a little insight into the complex world of nutrition. If you’re still asking, I’ll be available every time.

Best regards

2 years ago
Reply to  Fachmann2203

Such texts do not read a person. Write a book

2 years ago
Reply to  JuergenG0815

The questioner found the answer helpful. If you don’t want to read, I can’t help you. The topic of nutrition is very complex and here several questions have been asked, which I have answered in contrast to the other respondents.

Book is coming, don’t worry.

2 years ago

The topic of nutrition is absolutely not complex for ordinary people. If I live out of all doing a project work, I would never come to the finish. Better make 10% as 100% write a text that no one reads anyway

2 years ago

Something from everything – that’s so simple.

2 years ago

Ready pizza isn’t going. And meat only from organic posture.

You’re right with the rest. Vegetable, whole grain, vegetables and fruit.

2 years ago

Try to think in 10,000 annual steps.

What was always available? Meat and fish!

What was not always available? Nuts, roots, seeds, berries, fruits, mushrooms.

Thus the answer is conclusive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Diaetassistent


2 years ago

In principle, the question does not arise. It is a luxury problem that we have the choice – quasi Schlaraffenland . Humanity has survived despite lack, despite food being NOT always available in abundance.

What is the optimal diet for a Massai warrior? For an Inuit? For a Himalayan resident?

Do not make so many thoughts and do not come into the vicious circle of the Orthorexia, that is the current motto .

Food can in principle be what you want.