Ermöglichen Schnorchelmasken mit anschließbarer Minipressluftflasche bis zu 10 Minuten echtes Tauchen in wenigen Metern Tiefe für jedermann?

Oder ist das gefährlicher Schrott?

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2 months ago

I’ve been a divers myself for several years. Often over 30 meters deep. I wouldn’t see it as scrap, but as a dangerous toy. Since these things buy and use people who have no experience with diving.

As an example: you dive 10 meters deep with such a mini bottle that has a specified diving time of 10 to 15 min. You’re wasting time, or you’re taking more air than expected. Suddenly, the bottle is ten meters lesson and you have no more air. The last artemzug is a panicking one. Due to physics, the air in the lung expands twice at 10 meters and can leave permanent damage.

Clearly there are ads that display the pressure. But with a bottle size of 2/3 liters, you’d like to sit down or they’re so stupid that you can hardly see them when you dive.

I’d rather say dangerous toys. If you want to dive, you should make the OWD dive and know the rules.

If you have any questions please write to me.

2 months ago

You must not fall below certain depths, otherwise you have to be careful because of the danger that nitrogen will accumulate in the cells that blew up when it comes to blood.