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2 years ago

A cardiologist cannot diagnose a stroke from the ECG alone!

From the source: stroke – diagnosis – CT – MRT – Duplex-Sonography

Clinical and neurological studies

However, CT, MRT, duplex subgraph or angiography will never take place alone. The doctor also carries out a clinical and neurological examination beforehand. These include:

  • Survey (anamnese) of the sick or of the relatives about the medical history (regular use of medicines etc.)
  • Assessment of the neurological status of the patient including NIH-Stroke-Skala (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale). Here it is assessed whether paralysis, speech or visual disorders exist.
  • Blood collection for laboratory testing: mainly blood count, coagulation, blood sugar and electrolytes are determined.
  • Control of blood pressure, pulse and body temperature
  • An EKG is written to exclude heart rhythm disorders as the cause of stroke. However, an ECG alone does not exclude the presence of a heart rhythm disorder as a cause.
  • laying venous access if not already carried out by the doctor or the doctor.

Happy for you!

2 years ago


2 years ago

preliminary dimmers or Hopper can be a cause of a stroke. To find the exact cause you should make an MRT or CT because over EKG the cause cannot be determined

Martin Müller
2 years ago

A stroke can only be reliably diagnosed by imaging measures such as zb CT. However, it is possible to see a cause for a stroke in ekg zb Vorhofflimmer.

Martin Müller
2 years ago
Reply to  Tessa961

The first question to me is why the rescue service was not ordered on the same day and further treated in the emergency room. It’s not too late.

but beautiful when everything goes well

Martin Müller
2 years ago

You can never exclude it, but it is very unlikely and really an exception at the young age.

Martin Müller
2 years ago

Yeah, I’ve been so excited about my colleagues that I thought I’d get a heart attack… where your symptoms would have been better off. That would be no sign of stroke

2 years ago

No. For that, a mrt must be made by the brain. This is not the task of cardiologists, but of neurologists

2 years ago
Reply to  somi1407

In case of emergency, you make a CT, that’s enough and goes much faster.