Erkennt der arzt im hals ob mab pept?

Und zwar hol ich mir eine Krankschreibung, da ist stark erkältet bin, jetzt frag ich mich ob der Arzt erkennt ob ich pep gezogen habe?

Nein das pep ist nicht dran schuld. War auf einem Geburtstag mit *kleid Pflicht* und ich war eine Stunde im Schnee mit dem kleid untergebracht

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Even if the doctor could recognize what he can’t, it wouldn’t matter in this situation. The doctor is subject to confidentiality and you are probably really cold.

Doctors can always be honest about drug use. And you should also if it could be relevant for a diagnosis.

Good improvement!

2 years ago

Unprobably. Unless he’s doing a drug test.

Because the drug is metabolized and leaves no physical traces.

In contrast, if you drive it a bit too colourful during oral traffic, dentists on the palate can discover small hematomas :).

2 years ago
Reply to  Bakkaa3332284

It was an analogy!

2 years ago
Reply to  Muhtant

You should Do not publicize your sexual fantasies in such a public manner under the cover coat of alleged anonymity,

2 years ago

No, he’s too busy, you know, you can just get your medical prescription without anything. And who does he notice? Well, let him say germ

2 years ago

No, the doctor won’t recognize it unless you’re going to be totally “puffed up” with the doctor.