Cold or Corona?


I was healthy again a week ago. This morning I started having diarrhea and a sore throat. And my nose is running. I feel unwell. I had breakfast and then half an hour later I vomited. That happened on Thursday and Friday too, and it was fine. I can't go on sick leave again because I was off sick for 21 days in mid-August with a foot injury (accident), then for two weeks in September with mononucleosis and now I have a cold. Probably, I hope not.

I did a blood test 3 weeks ago and I no longer have any immunity.

What should I do? Otherwise I think I'm on the Schanze list.

What should I do? Go to work or stay home?

Could it be that I have corona?

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6 months ago


Did you have Corona? If your symptoms don’t get better, you should be a doctor or a coronatest.

Did you take pills?

At the moment you can only rest, drink a lot, light food.

You don’t need to go to the hospital.

Good improvement

Greeting Arabella