Erkältung kein Hunger?
Icu bin stark erkältet und habe kein Hunger. Ich habe seit Donnerstag abends nichts gegessen. Wenn ich es weiter so mache also nichts esse was können die Folgen sein also maximal bis Donnerstag? Kann da was schlimmes passieren außer abnehmen?
The animals imagine how it is right:
While diseases – and subsequent reconvalescence – the body should not be burdened with additional work by digestion !
He needs his strength to heal – but much drinking is important!
Good improvement!
Sorry, I just read in one of your comments that you suffer from an eating disorder – forget my answer very quickly!
You can have that for a short time if you’re sick. However, if you don’t take anything to you, your body will weaken with time and can have less strength against the pathogen.
Tip for today: tea with lots of honey and grated apple. Maybe tomorrow a soup. Mainly, you feed your body enough liquid and at least a few calories.
After a while, you will get circulatory problems nausea dizziness weakness and tiredness, and will be more slowly healthy because the body lacks the power to combat the disease. You should try to force yourself to eat something. And if it’s at least salt bars or other nebulisers. Sufficient drinking is also important .
You just need energy to recover. I hope you’ll find something that tastes you a bit. Good improvement!
Thank you, but I want to lose weight. For a long time, however, I have never been able to stand again because I am hungry. Do not want to lose much weight 68 kg am 1.70 would like to decrease 3-5 kg
This is not very healthy to keep the body strained with a diet during a weakened phase. How old are you when I can ask? Your BMI is quite normal but of course you need to feel comfortable but please try to take it seriously only when you are healthy again
Ah yes, I thought you were a little younger because just in teenager age because the pressure is the highest is just as far as the weight is concerned. I can only advise you that actually not get in touch with starving. Not only that it is very unhealthy, but it is probably clear to you and you probably can improve me relatively no matter 😅 it was me at the time also believe everyone. But also because your body adapts your metabolism to the low calorie intake means your body draws every little bit of calories and fat from the food what it can get. If you should eat a little bit more at some point, the body will immediately store it as fat so that it will get proviant for “heavy times” again when it gets less to eat again. Conversely, it means that you will be adding a relatively large amount later with a normal amount of edible…. And that gets worse with every diet. Healthy diet and sufficient exercise are the key you will probably know but perhaps not yet accept. Even had long eating problems. That’s how they start. What is not mean evil!!!! Just want to help!
No, not really
you are getting weak and never healthy
eat something. you can also eat without starving
I want to lose
are you mad or something?
Ok but so extreme is not good & eating bite you also take off but it is still healthier…falling vitamins and protein does hair and skin and so not so good
a lot of success
no but would like to take off for a long time, but could never really be because I am hungry stronger. I can take advantage of Jz. So I’m not fat all say I have a nice figure yet 3-5kg less would be nice