Erinntert ihr euch noch an euren ersten BH?
Da ich ja eine Transfrau bin erinnere ich mich noch gut an meine ersten BHs. Meinen allerersten BH habe ich mir im Internet bestellt und er hat mir überhaupt nicht gepasst. Deswegen “zähle” ich ihn nicht so wirklich. Meinen zweiten BH habe ich zusammen mit meiner besten Freundin in einem Geschäft gekauft. Dafür dass sie mich da so unterstützt hat bin ich ihr auch bis heute sehr dankbar.
Wisst ihr noch wie und wo ihr euren ersten BH bekommen/gekauft habt?
I was so proud when I could wear the first bh
Jup, I still know that as a trans man!
Was at 12 in a phase where I somehow still tried to meet the expectations of my environment. I was shopping with a friend and was more or less persuaded. The part was then just so semi-good and was absolutely unpleasant for the psyche. But it was the only one I’ve ever possessed.
A well-fitted bra with an upper sm best tight with deep neck looks great
What exactly does this comment have to do with my answer now?
It might be clearer if you look at my original answer again.
Never belonged to guys who want to belong to bras.
That’s what I asked myself. Social pressure and the feeling of belonging, I guess.
A beautiful décolleté is a beautiful décolleté! If you’re not a woman, why are you wearing a bra?!
No, that was just because I’m not a woman and felt disguised.
Apart from that, I find it relatively inappropriate to talk to 12 year old children of sexy tops…
You write it was “psychically unpleasant”… the outfit makes the difference! A well-fitted bra with sexy tops and you feel better. Men like this also ♥️
Yeah, I remember.
I got my clothes from my mother’s daughter, for cost reasons. Then when I was 12 BHs was inside. They just didn’t fit so I waited for them to fit and then dressed them.
It didn’t last long. At 13, so just a few months later, I had to buy bras myself because they didn’t fit anymore.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Nope. I’ve always hated things and the reason for it, not a nice experience for me.
Are started with 13, first bh, original 80 euros, but with discount 40… within 2 weeks outgrown😆😆😆Tja😂
I only know my first bustier and was very proud of
Yes, on the 13th birthday of my mama.
No, I don’t remember