Erinnert sich noch jemand an die 8cent und 80cent Euro Münze?
Moin, ich weiß, dass diese Frage wahrscheinlich eher hirnverbrannt rüber kommen wird, dennoch wollte ich mich erkundigen, ob eventuell andere Leute auch fälschlicherweise, diese Erinnerung an eine 8cent und 80cent Euro Münze haben. Ich habe auch schon nach anderen Münzen geguckt, andere Währungen, etc. pp. Es wird mir leider nicht ersichtlich, woher diese “Erinnerung” her ruht…
(Bild dient nur als Referenz/Spaß Bild/Scherzbild)
No, I don’t remember 8 or 80 cents coins 🤔
✨ Sometimesscarry
No, I don’t remember her. That’s a good reason to say.
(What’s “resting”?) I can’t tell you that.
lg up
Why did you just tell you?
Oh. Yeah, if there’s nothing else.
Only 8 Kreuzer and 1/8 Kreuzer would be known to me.
Photo-spreading programs make it possible, and this is really done now. There are really much better photo manipulations
Hav also given below, is not a real picture
I used an 80 cent coin in the image;)
But I’ve already seen good edited pictures.
But to answer your question too. I actually have no memory of 8 or 80 cent coins. Have never come to me as a fake (except now this picture).
Euros have only been around for over 20 years.
But there was something before that (timely) was paid with 80 Pfennig. And these were the coins for the self-tapped moped mixture on the tank.
But it certainly has been 40 years since the liter of fuel has cost 80 Pfennig.
But because of your question, I remember the 6 D-Mark piece I had bought.
That was a fun impression.
When it comes to real money, that never happened