Erholsamen Schlaf wünschen nach Geburt?
Meine Verwandte ist zum zweiten Mal Mama geworden und ich überlege was ich ihr schreiben könnte und irgendwie fällt mir die ganze Zeit ein dass ich ihr viel und erholsamen Schlaf wünschen möchte, aber irgendwie klingt das doch seltsam oder? Ich meine nur, man bekommt ja mit einem Säugling manchmal nicht so viel Schlaf wie man vielleicht bräuchte und keine Ahnung warum aber genau das will ich ihr aber wünschen. Soll ich das einfach schreiben oder lieber noch was besseres überlegen?
Your wish is of course okay, sleep if you have a newborn is also an important topic.
Maybe I’d re-form the wish because it sounds a little weird. That’s what you’re saying before someone goes to sleep.
You’d like to wish her that because you generally combine rest and relaxation, charge his batteries and get new energy.
Of course it is also appropriate to wish her that she even gets a few hours of sleep the night. It often lacks a baby.
If it’s a greeting card you want to send to her, you could add an SD card with a few lullabies, Realx, or Enspannungmusik, or if it’s a digital message, send the following link:
Maybe you can send her a care package? A small thing for the “big” child, a tea for the freshly baked mother (but know exactly before that this tea has no distilling effect). Maybe something “nerven food” for her.
ok, I will not wish her any nerves, first of all someone else has suggested and secondly it implies that her baby will be exhausting.
But honestly, something completely different is bothering me with these answers and probably I’m guilty of it myself because I didn’t write that it’s explicitly a wish for happiness. I will offer as part of my possibilities and do what I want, but I will not offer childcare, nor will her unnecessarily send a package of things that she then has in the 100 and first execution, because I lack the sense in it.
I just wanted to know if someone would like good sleep after the birth is understandable and if that is a good wish. It is really cool that you have ideas and are so creative (which is more of the standard) but I already have an idea of your own and it should be exceptional something that emerges among the 1000 people who wish you all good, strong nerves and health because someone has taken serious thoughts. I think that with the good to get used to each other,
Grade that with the strong nerves is what you need in the first time.
Sleep is what you get least in the first months. At some point, one of the thoughts about water “Hey, at some point I can sleep again 5 hours a bit.”
Of course, depending on the personal perspective, you can find something negative on each (!) so kindly formulated WUnsch/ Congratulations. In the end, you can’t put any formulation on the gold scale “may be annoyed by fear.”
To your last paragraph: It is rather unusual to wish a freshly baked mother a relaxing/good sleep. That is why people came up with the alternative proposals that have been answered so far.
well, I read that two have not understood it and want to make up their own ideas, I see that one has understood my humour and that another wanted to help me formulate, I still don’t check what your problem with it is to wish a ZWEIFACHEN mother a restful and good sleep if it is the fact that infants do not fall asleep at night? But I don’t have to understand everyone. I think she’s annoying, if she hadn’t had a strong nerve, she wouldn’t have wanted a second child. I just want something sensible and something that stands out as I said… If I was a mother myself and if someone would wish me a restful and good sleep to my second child, I would be happy because the lack of sleep has gradually brought me to my limits, it would touch me because someone actually has something to wish me what it really is now. 🙄 What should I have the feeling you don’t want to understand it because it doesn’t correspond to the “standard”.
I would wish her a lot of strength and offer her that you can help her with the baby if she wants to. So if she wants to have a few hours for herself.
🙄 Why would I offer her that? I don’t even have the chance.
Whoever needs a lot of strength also needs good sleep, which I actually want to say is I didn’t want to write up usual congratulations, but you want something that really matters.
Power is something other than sleep,you can also wish good nerves
that sounds more strange but ok
I wished a good one after another last – maybe you like it. It goes in a similar direction.
yes, so what 😊