Erfahrungen mit Wayers (besonders in Costa Rica)?
Hallo zusammen
Ich bin mir an überlegen, nächstes Jahr mit Wayers für zwei Monate nach Costa Rica zu gehen und dort Freiwilligenarbeit im Bereich Sozialarbeit sowie Wildlife zu absolvieren. Bis jetzt ist mir die Organisation sehr sympathisch. Trotzdem möchte ich mir die Erfahrungen von andern Reisenden gerne anhörten. Kann mir jemand dazu mehr sagen?
Vielen Dank & Grüsse
Hello :-
I was on my way this year in Iceland with the Wayers organization. The organization before the start of the trip was very good. On site, however, a completely different organization (World Wide Friends) is responsible, which is not directly communicated to you. If I had booked directly through the local organization, I would have saved some money…
Because the Wayers was not on site, we could not be helped directly with problems in Iceland. Wayers always had to deal with the organization and there were many misunderstandings and lack of communication. Everyday life on site was often chaotic (missing communication). Wayers also doesn’t seem to know what the real everyday looks like there. There have also been only some volunteers receiving a sum of money because of this, although mMs all who were on site during the same period should receive the same amount refunded.
I think that if you are looking for longer on the Internet, you get away cheaper.
Hello Julia, what was the name of the organization in Iceland? LG
Volunteering in Costa Rica is a good idea. Before Corona, Wayers (formerly: internship worlds) was a recognized company. Whether this is still the case today is open. To your question:
Procedure Staying abroad is a larger project. You should prepare the year systematically. There are
An overview of the tasks of the exchange organisations and how to find the best provider this blog post
Best regards
I can recommend Jamso Trainee. These even have some of their own programs on site and the price I totally justified.
In general, it is always necessary to note that some programs, especially with animals, always run through another contact person on site. Couldn’t have seen a big price difference at Jamso Trainee.