Erfahrungen mit Vodka Tampon?
Ich habe gestern auf einer Party von Vodka Tampon erfahren, und jetzt wollte ich fragen wie das so ist brennt das oder ist die Wirkung echt krasser?
finde das voll schlau weil man dann auf den meist ekligen oder brennenden Geschmack Verzichten müsste und somit auch sich viel spart.
I don’t think it’s “shy” because the alcohol would strongly irritate your vaginal mucosa and disturb the vaginal flora.
After all, alcohol can kill bacteria – but the protective bacteria in your vagina you want to keep.
Alcoholic beverages should be consumed, if at all, but should not be ruined because of the alcohol effect.
Leave it. From a policeman I know that many who do this land in hospital with heavy alcohol poisoning
I can only warn you intrusively and tell you about such experiments. The alcohol has a much faster effect on the mucous membranes and, due to the amount, alcohol poisoning often occurs. In addition, the whole damages the affected mucous membranes, the vaginal flora is destroyed, which is why the risk of infection is significantly increased. With such, alcohol-soaked & introduced, tampons you risk your health & even your life. The same also applies if the alcohol is passed into the rectum.
Because of these unpredictable & highly risky practices, there are tens of deaths every year, I strongly advise you to try this. The fact that you are still in the middle of your physical, psychic and mental development with your 15 years makes the thing even more sensitive, the risks even higher.
For clarification: This text is purely informative, is neither worthy, nor condemning. Ultimately, each person has to decide for himself how much their own health/life is worth.
Here are pages that explain the risks.
I would advise you very much!!!!!,warning%20advance%20
You’re making parties where you’re playing vodka over tampons and then they’re gonna put you where??? You have real ideas people.
I’ve never heard of that stupid thing.
How old are you?
Yeah, I’m just walking around, and I thought I’d get involved.
I’d let this be especially if you don’t have tolerance. You can quickly get an Alk poisoning and paramedics if they don’t tell them on site that you had too much alcohol because you don’t smell after that. So it’s not harmless and you’re so young.