Erfahrungen mit Mobilfunkinternet?
Ich habe bis jetzt einen Dsl Anschluss mit 16Mbits, das reicht mir aber nicht, denn seit dem ich mir eine Ps5 geholt habe, habe ich dauerhaften high Ping ich habe auch einen Pc, dieser funktioniert an sich, aber eben nicht bei mir zuhause ich habe ihn bei einem Bekannten getestet und dort hat alles Funktioniert.
Nun überlege ich mir Mobilfunkinternet zu holen da Kabel und Dsl sowie Glasfaser keine Option für mich sind.
Glasfaser liegt in der Straße, ich müsste aber ein paar Tausend für den Anschluss zahlen
Kabel liegt nicht in unserer Wohnung
und bei Dsl können wir maximal 16Mbits haben
für mich würde der Tarif von O2
Home S 50 (LTE/5G)
in frage kommen
Normally, the pure fiber-optic house connection costs 800EUR and you get to enroll when you bind to the internet tariff for 2 years?! It’s just gonna be fine. prepare the requirements of the provider for the connection from the house connection to the apartment.
From Deutsche Telekom there’s Hybrif-Tarife with special hybrid routers. This means that mobile phones are only switched on when the DSL line is fully loaded.
Mobile phones are more frequent in traffic.
If you want to test, get a 5G-enabled prepaid SIM in the O2 network (including Aldi & Co.?) with sufficient data volume for 4 weeks that you can. Daytime can test. Where your phone can be the problem, as there are real 5G and the “5G attachment” on 4G.
Ping has nothing to do with Megabit.
The ping is a measure of the time it takes between the request that makes a game to the server and until its answer is with you.
It’s called “Latenz.” How fast the line from you to the provider is only a very small role.
How many “nodes” between you and the server are important. Each node needs time to receive the data, to consider where it forwards it and then send it back.
Mobile phone is the worst kind of internet in terms of ping. There are a lot more nodes in the system and due to fault detection and elimination as well as encryption that is necessary in radio links, there is still a huge delay, i.e. “ping” on top of it.
If you use WLAN, you automatically have a slightly higher ping than with LAN cables to the router. And if the frequency used is still disturbed, you can easily get a “great ping”. Disorders can be generated by various electrical devices. Also, you need to share the frequency with all the others that spark on the same frequency. These are not only the participants in their own WLAN, but also WLAN networks in the area, i.e. neighbours working on the same frequency. If someone just sends or receives a data packet, your Wi-Fi device has to wait until it’s in line. This then leads to very high ping numbers.
How fast the line between router and the Internet is no matter when the data on the way to the router is already delayed.
You can compare it to the other side of the city. You can swap your bike for a Bugatti that drives 400km/h, but that doesn’t matter if you don’t want to sneak a coffee before the start of the ride. The time until you arrive will not really change with the better vehicle.
The Bugatti also brings nothing to crosses and traffic lights (Internet nodes). The short sprints in between hardly improve the total time. In addition, in the city (Internet itself) there is a tempo limet for everyone. It doesn’t matter how fast you can drive to your exit at the house.
Well, I can’t play Dayz because my Internet is too bad for it, I also use a Lankan. In part, I have a delay of a minute in Game and we don’t need to start with it when I try to use my phone by the way, because otherwise it doesn’t charge
This can only be on your PC.
Do you have more than one virus protection? The fights against each other, then check each other what they do. And what the first one checks over the second, the second also checks again and so on.
No, he also had another pc here who asked the exact same problem. I am not working with my colleague, but I have only one
It is worth staying on the fiber optic connection. If it’s on site in the street, I can hardly imagine, depending on the structural condition, that the supply costs several 1000€, provided this is the FTTH supply.
Depends on what you want to it (so on traffic monthly). For even in the dedicated and very expensive, most providers have a clause of “budgetary use” in the allegedly unlimited pure mobile radio data tariffs.
Depending on what you do, the latter is very fast exceeded and the providers announce you extraordinarily (usually from 300-500GB up monthly – so what is already achieved with a few games very quickly).
What you can do is, for example, if available with you HybridDSL (DSL+LTE) from Deutsche Telekom. Had that even until I got GBit, had 5 years in use and thus combined ~200MBit/s instead of the only 16MBit/s DSL .
Deutsche Telekom has never denied traffic in the month despite some 5-10TB traffic.
Addendum to your desired O2 Home S LTE tariff – which is even throttled from 100GB volume to 2MBit/s.
So that wouldn’t even be enough for the most elementary. A while ago, it had a 2 weeks down here on the track, which was bridged with 500GB 5G volume by Vodafone and found in the frame that alone takes an hour UHD-Netflix streaming ~7-8GB. Since the lady and I here are heavy binge shakers of numerous series, and UHD partially stream for hours on two different televisions at the same time, this would only blow up the 100GB within one day.
Apart from game downloads, the full-day home office competitor etc.
That’s what the frit currently shows – just about 12TB traffic in total, soon 1TB upload for the current month and it didn’t even run halfway.
However, it recently also hit the account that I drove a number of fullbackups of my RZ-hosted machines.
We are admitted to an extreme case, but before such a decision we clearly have an overview of our own usecase.
With HybridDSL, I was usually around 15ms in terms of ping technology, today the GBit cable is usually around 8-10 – so it was already and was not a core drill in gaming. .
This is not the same contract you have there I must have prescribed it is the O2 Home S 50 (LTE/5G)
The prepaid cards and some cheap contracts offer up to 50 MBit/s. Network operators 300 MBit/s for prepaid and 500 MBit/s for runtime contracts.