Erfahrungen mit langjährigen Schmerzen und Speicheln nach Zahnop?
Hallo Zusammen, seit meiner Mutter vor 5 Jahren Zähne gezogen wurden, leidet sie unter täglichen Schmerzen und muss speicheln. Die Schmerzen sind mal leichter, oft aber unerträglich, weswegen sie medikamentös behandelt wird. Sämtliche Untersuchungen, wie Röntgen, CT, etc…beim Kieferchirurgen, Schmerzspezialisten und diversen anderen Ärzten hat nichts ergeben.
Hat jemand eventuell die gleichen Erfahrungen gemacht und hat den entscheidenden Tipp?
Vielen Dank im Vorraus!
This sounds like a problem with the nerves (Nerven are distributed everywhere in the body and forward the stimuli to the brain), or with the stimuli processing in the brain. It could be some learned phantom pain. Or it actually puts something on the nerves.
Did she get dentures? Implants or bridges can press on nerves.
Thank you for your answer. Yes, she carries implants, but after extraction she didn’t wear it for a while and already had this pain, which was also associated with “splitting”.
Maybe try a therapy against phantom pain.
Biofeedback methods are often used.
Thank you for the star!
And I hope your mother can be helped!
Thank you.
The only thing I think about – if she didn’t do this – a neurologist and a university clinic abbot. To consult dentistry.
Thanks for the hint! Has it already, but there were no results unfortunately…
I’m sorry. I don’t even think about it. From such a problem as your mother has, unfortunately, I have never heard anything, let alone get along.
Very much. And good for your mother.
Thank you for your effort!