Erfahrungen mit guten und billigen 60/4 Zylinder für dir S51?

Moin, ich weiss das sich Qualität und niedriger Preis nicht mit einander vereinbaren lassen. 😀 Ich suche einen recht billigen Zylinder, aber bitte keinen Almot! Was haltet ihr von Easttuning´s 60/4? Also wenn ihr Erfahrungen, Tipps habt, so teilt sie mir bitte mit. Habe momentan einen 60/2 von LT 😀

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8 years ago

I don’t know this cylinder.

But it’s nix about the original cylinder.I’m claiming you’re buying a used original cylinder with 15000-20000km,it’s still much longer enjoying as such a favorable retrofit.I share from the whole post-construction,cylinders,pills etc,I don’t keep much.

An original cylinder would have to be more than 60,000km in good care.

Is only my opinion of the retrofit cylinder


8 years ago
Reply to  antonius999

Oh, yeah, I didn’t understand.

Here I recommend to look at the simson forum or read

They can help you

8 years ago

Greetings, drive yourself a cylinder of Easttuning (85/4) and can only say one…the man knows what he does! Super quality and performance is as specified! So you can order there without considering!

8 years ago

I’m driving a mza cylinder. can’t report anything bad.