Experience with dropshipping?

Good evening everyone. What are your experiences and opinions on dropshipping? I'm currently in the process of setting up a shop on Shopify. My current goal is not to market just one product, but several. I've focused on car care products, meaning I'm creating an online shop that offers general car care products. The shop should be compact and easy to use for customers, so they can easily find the product they're looking for. By this, I mean products like handheld vacuums, paint care, car wash products, etc. It's important to me to describe the products well, to make them appealing, and to appeal to the customer. I'd like to advertise on TikTok/Instagram. What are your opinions and experiences?

ps: I am over 18 and have a steady income from my job.

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1 year ago

Dropshippings as a business model can initially run well with TikTok Marketing and similar. However, this business model is sustainably consecrated to the absture, as you should rely on your own production and your own product in the long term. The major product trade runs through Amazon, where competition is very strong.

In general, we also advise you from Shopify as the AGB-Technische in Germany are not really safe. They are a fast and low-cost solution, but if you don’t want to get problems with offices & Co, you should put on something better.

I would be happy to offer you that we will be together for 30 minutes and I will explain to you some advantages and disadvantages of various shop systems and ecommerce options.

1 year ago

Search engine defective?

DropShipping is a kind of goods to ship. That’s all. This is more proving for a successful business model. Those who use DropShipping as a business model will crash.

1 year ago

I wish you a lot of success in your business.

May I ask a question that would interest me personally:
Why dropshipping, why not affiliate marketing or an ebay shop or Amazon (with own merchandise)?

6 months ago

In principle, dropshipping has been less good for earning money.

You should definitely have the following problems on the screen:

  • You also have to take money/capital in your hand to raise everything, create a shop or read into the functioning of a sales portal, etc.
  • The most expensive point will be to find or advertise customers, so Google Ads etc. Who does not advertise has no visibility and no customers.
  • Your margin is usually very low and the effort is significantly higher than most aware.
  • Furthermore, such dropshipping products are likely to result in a price struggle that you cannot win as a small seller.
  • You also need to calculate your products and are responsible for returns. This can be very expensive.
  • By the way, you also pay taxes, need a business and have to deal with the legal basis.
  • You should also have the subject of accounting on the screen.

These were just the most important points.

1 year ago

I don’t think you’re going to be really successful with the kind. Of course I don’t know what products it is and so on. You also need licenses for electronic devices, etc. Dropshipping itself works in any case, but it’s a bit heavier than a couple of years ago…

Can we exchange more, keep looking for people to exchange 😀

IG: MySelfissa24

1 year ago

I don’t know why I should ever order elsewhere than Amazon. Everything is best and usually you can keep products under 15€ free if you don’t want them and get their money back.

1 year ago

No one from my acquaintance would ever (again) order a dropshipper. It is well known that only a single unreliable supplier already suffices to drive this person into ruin and as a customer you don’t see his money anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  DieStudierte

I don’t think so. DropShipping is much too widespread. Even Amazon and MediaMarkt partially use it. You just don’t know how to order.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ifm001

It’s a fact. Look how the Dropshipper grows 🙂 100 go Pleite, 150 come after.

1 year ago

It’s not a fact. No matter what larger shop you order. Everyone at least partially uses the DropShipping.

Apparently, you use the term deviating from its definition. These are not just any goods delivered from China.