Erfahrungen mit Doppelstudium?

Ist hier jemand, der Erfahrungen mit einem Doppelstudium in den Naturwissenschaften hat. Im Idealfall an der LMU:
Ich interessiere mich sehr für die Fächer Biologie und Physik und überlege seit Monaten. Mehrfach habe ich jetzt auch schon gelesen, dass man ein Doppelstudium machen kann.
Das wäre für mich eine Lösung, in beides gleichzeitig reinzuschnuppern, ohne das Gefühl zu haben, ich verpasse das andere. Wenn ich dann merke, das eins nicht so meins ist, könnte ich es einfach “schmeißen”.
Ist jemand schon diesen Weg gegangen und wie funktioniert die Bewerbung?
Danke im Voraus!

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8 months ago

Are you talented? Or, a 1,0-1,4 Abi with a scientific focus on an extremely demanding gymnasium?

If, yes, please contact the LMU and these can give you more information.

If you want to sniff in, you’d better get in some lectures.

If you don’t want to take a study or study twice. This is hardly fun and is extremely exhausting.

Applications should be submitted to the LMU study consultancy. Not here.

The application phases for Bachelor will soon be at the end of 15.7 for the next semester.

8 months ago
Reply to  Ayla0505

Hello Ayla0505,

Your answer is a little misunderstood. Double study, especially in the natural sciences, can be quite challenging and challenging, but it is not necessarily only suitable for talented or students with an extremely good degree. Many universities offer special counselling and information on double courses, even if they can be very demanding. It is not necessarily the case that you should “throw” a study – many students find ways to combine both successfully, especially if they are well organised.

Best regards!

8 months ago

Whether you can enroll for two often restricted courses depends on the respective university. Often this is not legally possible or only in the case of the detection of special scientific reasons. The justification for looking at both courses would usually not be sufficient. I believe that a serious double study of these courses is already excluded because many events overlap in time and thus prevent proper study. For a pure study orientation, a “double study” would be superfluous, as one can easily get involved in most courses/courses.

8 months ago

I don’t know how it is with biology, but physics definitely requires full attention

If I noticed that one is not mine, I could just “sweep it.”

and if you go to study with this attitude, it won’t be.