Erfahrungen mit der Deltaprüfung Mannheim?
Hat hier jemand schonmal an der Deltaprüfung an der Uni Mannheim teilgenommen und kann ein paar Erfahrungen teilen?
Wie und wie lange habt ihr euch vorbereitet? Welches Übungsmaterial hat euch am besten geholfen?
Was war besonders knifflig in der Prüfung? Und habt ihr bestanden? 🤔
What is a delta check? Do you have a professional degree where there is a little more demand in Germany and have to prove the knowledge?
Please add to the surgery.
The delta examination Mannheim is a study skills test that allows you to go to the normal university with a professional qualification.
Someone who did it will know what is meant.
But you’re stealing people the time they have such guesses as me.
Please add subject, e.g. “Uni Mannheim”.
Okay, so again,
Firstly, there is only one test called the delta check Mannheim and that cannot be confused. One could confuse them with the DHBW delta check, which is also often done, if one would not write Mannheim to what I did, and this clearly meant what.
Why did you just take a screenshot of my question now, you know I can see it myself? In my tags there is also “high school”, “stidierability test” etc. And last but not least, if you have no idea what that is, don’t answer it.
No, there’s no “uni” in the overview. I added a screenshot in my posting. And not always the sub-forum chosen by the OP is so fit.
It’s in the title? And is in the tags?
I’ve never heard of a delta test.
But a search on the internet brings a success within seconds.
This should also be possible for you.
Experiences: Deltaprüfung Uni Mannheim – Bildungspark Verlag
I will also participate this year, I learn with the etrainer – there I bought a 1 month license and can learn specifically for the delta exam mannheim. However, I often wonder how to create the mathepart without a calculator when a solution path zb looks like this:
according to uni mannheim, aids are not allowed. but are there really people who count on that?
When calculating the head, this helps you to shorten… (150*100)/4000 = 15/4 and that goes in the head or with the fingers;)
Hii I didn’t do it, but I want to do it this year. 😊
Shall we exchange for this?