Erfahrungen mit Depressionen und veganer/carnivorer Ernährung?

Ich lese immer wieder Berichte, dass Menschzen durch Umstellung der Ernährung eine Besserung ihrer Depressionen erreicht haben (insb. von veganer zu carnivorer Ernährung). Daher würde mich interessieren, ob jemand von euch ebenfalls Erfahrungen mit diesem (oder einem ähnlichen) Zusammenhang gemacht hat.

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1 year ago

If depression is triggered by a massive nutrient deficiency, a diet can help. But this is rarely the case.

There’s a blood picture that could explain.

1 year ago

I turned my diet on vegan. I feel better and better because I have no more bad conscience towards the animals. I eat very healthy and sublime but also vitamin D3, K2 and B12 to have no deficiency. But sometimes I am depremated, that depends very much on my social relationships, such as toxic family and superficial friends. No diet can change anything just acceptance,thank you for what you still have and self-love

1 year ago

I feel better about it because I have no more bad conscience towards the animals.

This only works if you hide the billions of killed animals by arable farming or speak beautifully and operate speziesism.

1 year ago

some users push real ne psychosis… What are the 750 million animals that are slaughtered in Germany alone every year? Air and love? Or maybe plants from the ACKERBAU?


1 year ago

On the contrary, vegans often feel better mentally as they are emotionally relieved.

In addition, they no longer absorb arachidonic acid, which also helps the psyche.

Also root depression in lack of happiness hormone serotonin. The module“Tryptophan” supply Sesame seeds > Pumpkin seeds. Vegans eat more of it on average.

1 year ago

these are unqualified legends that anyone can enlighten psychotherapist or send to the rich of the fairy tales.

who, anyway, has no depressions against animal food, this does not help as a measure if he falls into the notorious “black hole” by external circumstances or other triggers.

a persuasive meat-esser will continue to seek the pleasure of a delicious steak to hide his problems at least when eating.

in the rule, it is associated with appetitlessness and weight loss, since more energy-rich and/or protein-rich food would help to counteract a physical exodus.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dogetastisch

own experience, or read the book by kurt krömer: “you must not believe everything you think”.

who else as a doctor as a psychotherapist knows how to deal with depressions or treat them with a patient?

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s well known. Vegan is a short-term diet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dogetastisch

With supplementation you can at least most Lack of malignancy. “Mangelnärung” is no longer just as I find.

Which one?

Little attention is given to only certain amino acids that occur only in meat.

Is there, but the person can form it himself without exception.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dogetastisch

“Mangelnärung” is no longer just as I find

It is a malnutrition because you supplement MUSS.

Nourishing is done by food. It eats foodsupplementfood and not food. It is only necessary to supplement it in case of malnutrition.

1 year ago

if there should be a fix to nutrient deficiencies, also other factors of a healthy diet could at least help prevent depression, but no cure

carnivor is nonsense and with a vegan diet you shouldn’t forget

1 year ago
Reply to  Dogetastisch

There is no scientific evidence to date that a carnivorous diet is sensible and healthy. There are no open question marks, because the absence of fruit and vegetables is certainly unhealthy.

The fact that nutrients from meat can be helpful is plausible. But “only meat and animal products” is once again too one-sided.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dogetastisch

carnivore diet attempts from the ground not to rely on science

especially in depression, there is hardly any indication that carnivor is sensible, which one do you have in mind?

1 year ago

Ah, that’s something else. “Carnivore diet” is pure animal according to definition. This would certainly lead to a nutrient deficiency. The scientific situation explains WikiPedia as the keyword “carnivore diet”.

1 year ago

A nutrient deficiency can worsen depression. So it’s not a surprise for me. But I can’t answer what kind of nutrition is better now.

1 year ago

I deliberately turned my diet on vegan 1.5 months ago. Got diagnosed depressive episodes and diagnosed Borderline. My mental condition, which is currently stable for a long time, has neither improved nor worsened.

1 year ago

Bullshit. Vegans are only affected more often because they are more sensitive. Conversely, it doesn’t work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dogetastisch

Depression has other causes than diet. Then you should have a huge nutrient deficiency

1 year ago

I only know people who went better after conversion to Vegetarian or Vegan,

1 year ago
Reply to  Christiangt

And they lost a depression?

1 year ago
Reply to  mjutu

I don’t give up with people like that.

1 year ago

I’m a lobbyist? Sure, this is the Internet where you can feel anonymous and claim everything. Whether you’re blaming yourself with it without need, you either don’t seem to be interested or it’s intended.

1 year ago

As said, people are killing themselves because you don’t want to live, as said to make a disease from it, the general state of knowledge has funneled into who wants to believe it. The 18-year-old simply had no desire to live, so as to say you don’t need to invent any disease.

With the 5 million I read that you wanted to know something else, there’s nothing funny about it, it only confirms what I wrote, the Pharmamafia has reached what she wanted. People think you’re a dead sick person, even though everyone has his “days of lustlessness” as I said. That one still promotes this lustlessness by being allowed to get into it because it is normal, that is the problem. But as I said, WINWIN.

No matter I don’t answer anymore, because as a lobbyist you have to write so, so it doesn’t make any sense to answer.

1 year ago

Who are the upper ones? That sounds like a conspiracy census.

If Depressive kills himself a lot more frequently than healthy ones, this is obviously not “folly” or “lightlessness”.

Do you notice that your views are clearly different from the general level of knowledge? Do you consider that you may have no idea what pathological depressions are?

An 18-year-old fellow student of a relative of me killed himself because he suffered from depression. Do you think someone could have manipulated him and enriched him?

Seriously, your statements here are skurril and your outrageous judgments against those who have certainly not chosen their illness for fun or for laziness are ungodly. Your other posts in the forum do not seem like you have lost the relation to reality, but with regard to depression you are in the blind flight.

Again: What is strange about the number “5 million”?

1 year ago

The moneyliness of the upper, I have no depression but like any other days with lustlessness. As I said, laziness and winwin support through unneeded treatments . I know real sick people who work in workshops for the disabled, I’m ashamed that these people would have to work on others in mind only because something doesn’t run smoothly is coming up with Faul’s disease and others from it make a disease because of money sickness that must be treated.

1 year ago

It was about the suicide rate, so actually carried out suicides. Do you think they’re healthy? What connection do you see between suicides and money? Who could benefit from that?

Your argument is so strange and unrelated that it does not speak for “general education and human knowledge”. I even have doubts as to whether you can really mean that. This sounds more like “Birds aren’t real”.

Is this an attempt to get clear with your own depression? Then I would withdraw from the discussion here immediately, because your way to live with your life is valuable. But that you speak abnormally about other ill people is evil and disrespectful.

You say “5 million” would be “comic”, but don’t want to explain why.

1 year ago

General education and human knowledge. And suicide thoughts have some, but also to make a disease from it is just wrong.

1 year ago

What about this number should be “comic” and how does it prove anything? This proves that many people have a disease that you think is “found”.

Depression is something completely different than “days of lustlessness”. How do you explain the high suicide rate among the untreated victims?

To eliminate a widespread disease as a “invention of the pharmamafia” is the actual evil and so groundless that I want to question your mental health.

Again: on which way did you come to your opinion?

1 year ago

Strange that there are 5 million, quite funny, the proof that is as I write. As everyone has times days of lustlessness to make from it a disease is a fraught with the public.

1 year ago

The treatment of depression is much older than the pharmaceutical industry and the majority is done without the use of drugs.

I work in medical research and can assure you first of all that you are totally absent with your ideas on depression.

You’re telling me you don’t give up with 5 million Germans because they have a mental illness. With this you are very alone and still believe to have secret information about the evil “Pharmamafia”.

What way did you get to this attitude? Do you know people affected by depression? You think the suicide rate is below (untreated!) Depressives magically appeal to acts of the pharmaceutical industry?

1 year ago

Yeah, keep kidding about the Pharmamafia.

1 year ago

You really have no idea of depression. Nevertheless, you represent your deviant opinion and disrespectful.

The cliché of suffocating doctor, who invents folk diseases for self-enrichment, is abstrus. Do you want to be taken seriously or do you want the readers here to think you are skurril?

1 year ago

Of course, the damage to the economy is enormous. Thank you, as I said, to those people who invent any therapies and, as I said, make money. In the past, this found disease did not exist, even because there was no reason. Everyone has bad zero bumps on all days, but since they have been made ill to sneak money, the comic folk disease number 1. WinnWin for these specialist doctors, securing their job, WinWin for Faule Nullbock people who can often write ill.

1 year ago

You’re not giving up with people who are sick of depression?

Can it be that you have no idea of medicine and psychology? In any case, not from the economy: the financial damage caused by depressions exceeds the cost of treatment significantly. So no one can “snap money” that.

1 year ago

With people who have often declared themselves incapable of life because you are pushing yourself into a disease that has been practically invented for money squirting.

1 year ago

With people who have a depression?