Erfahrungen mit Asse Organisation?


hat jemand Erfahrungen mit der Auslandsjahr-Organisation „Asse“?

Wie sind die Preise?

Ich habe nämlich vor, in Südkorea ein Auslandsjahr zu machen.

Tut mir leid, wenn ich nicht direkt antworte, denn ich bin in der Schule. Ich werde aber antworten.


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1 year ago


a year abroad in South Korea is a good idea. For the elite of the exchange organisation:

  • The number of South Korea providers is relatively low, as the number of young people who want to go there is still lower than that.
  • Asse is a US peace with a sales office in Germany
  • Asse was a recognized austautschorganisation in front of Corona, especially for USA. If this is still the case today, we cannot judge from outside
  • Experiences from the time before Corona no longer help today
  • For the selection, you better take your requirements to the mascara.

Procedure The year abroad is in any case a larger project. You should prepare the year systematically. There are

An overview of the tasks of the exchange organisations and how to find the best provider this blog post

Best regards