Erfahrungen erster Frauenarztbesuch weil Periode ausbleibt?

Heyo, leider muss ich morgen zum Frauenarzt um untersuchen zu lassen warum ich mit fast 15 meine Periode noch immer nicht habe. Bin natürlich nicht gerade begeistert davon. Ich gehe nach der Schule alleine hin und soll vorher ein paar Stunden nichts essen und viel trinken. Sonst habe ich keine Infos von der Praxis, nur dass ich meinen Impfaufweis mitbringen soll und keine Angst zu haben brauche 😛

Habt ihr eine Ahnung, was die mit mir anstellen werden??

Bin über jede Antwort und Erfahrung dankbar 🙂

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2 years ago

Hi :-

The first visit to the female doctor is always an exciting experience, I also know this from my first visit to the female doctor at that time. It’s never easy if you have to take off for the first time in front of a strange person and then you’re still studying it. It is the normal job of a doctor who sees various naked people every day and doesn’t think about it, but as a patient you still have a natural shame in such a situation. Especially in the first examination, there is a bit of overcoming that a foreign doctor should be released at the bottom. But you’ll see if you’re going to have the first investigation behind you, then next time it’ll be a little easier and more relaxed for you. It is important that you trust the doctor and feel comfortable with him. The second time you’ll be much less excited.

Many female physicians often do not carry out gynecological examinations during the first visit. In most cases there is only a conversation with the doctor or doctor. It will also explain to you how a subsequent gynecological examination will take place and what the doctor is doing. Don’t worry too much about it.

Whether you’re being examined at the first visit, of course, depends on the reason why you’re going to the female doctor. In a period that has not yet been completed, you will certainly be subjected to an ultrasound examination of the abdominal ceiling, so you must drink a lot beforehand;-)

At the same time, you will also check whether you have a vaccination and you will be very likely to be exposed to HPV vaccination if not yet.

I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you still have questions about the first visit to the female doctor, need tips or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and then send me a personal message 🙂


2 years ago

At first, your size and weight will probably be assessed. For example, if you are underweight, the period can be omitted.

2 years ago

Blood may be removed; for example, you can test for iron deficiency and also hormones.

2 years ago

You don’t have your period with 15 yet isn’t bad at all because you don’t have to go to the doctor when you don’t have it with 17/18 yet you should worry