Erfahrung mit Weisheitszahn Op (Weisheitszähne im Kiefer) und das ziehen eines normalen funktionellen Zahns während die Zahnspange eingesetzt ist?

Ich bekomme in ungefähr 6 Wochen meine Weisheitszähne gezogen und in 2 Wochen ist die Beratung/Besprechung. Dabei sollen 4 Zähne gezogen werden. 3 Weisheitszähne und 1 funktioneller normaler Backenzahn (an die Stelle soll der Weisheitszahn ranwachsen). Leider muss ich die Op durchführen weil man in meinem Gebiss laut KFO Platz braucht. Ebenfalls soll mir schon paar Tage/ Wochen vor der Op meine Zahnspange eingesetzt werden (keine gewöhnliche Zahnspange sondern ein Distalizer auf der rechten Seite). Mein KFO meinte es würde sich lohnen die Spange schon vor der Op einzusetzen da nach der Op viele Woche verschwendet werden würden. Jetzt hab ich schmerzen technisch echt richtig angst was da auf mich zu kommen wird. Dämmerschlaf/Narkose kommen mir auch nicht so sehr infrage da ich nicht extra Geld bezahlen möchte. Wichtig ist auch zu erwähnen dass die 3 Weisheitszähne noch im Kiefer sind (also nicht rausgewachsen) weshalb sie alle operiert und rausgeschnitten werden müssen. Meine Freunde haben gesagt diese Betäubungsspritzen sind mit der schlimmste Schmerz den sie in ihrem Leben hatten…

Kann jemand vielleicht von seiner Erfahrung über die Spritzen oder operatorischen Weisheitszahn Op teilen bzw auch über das ziehen eines funktionellen Zahns während eine Spange eingesetzt ist (Gummis ein/aus haken jeden Tag)?

Ruhig ehrliche Antworten auch wenns bisschen brutaler ist. Vielen Dank!

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6 months ago

I was told that one does not need the wisdom teeth and that is why one of my teeth is sloping.

BUT I would never let a healthy tooth that is functional.

I’d definitely get a second opinion before I’d let it go. It is a completely healthy tooth you may need later.

I still have one of my teeth because he’s lying in the jaw. He’ll never grow up and it would be necessary for a bigger surgery.

I decided not to react until he makes problems – what he does not, so he can stay.

PS: The syringes are pillepalle. No comparison to gallens or strong migraines.

The doctor can cool the place before a bit with ice spray and the slower he sprays, the less hurts.

Either your friends are Heulsusen, or they had a butcher as a dentist.

6 months ago
Reply to  user372745733

“but he said no you just do what I tell you”

If someone like that would talk to me so disrespectful, I would have gone to another person to miss him a notebook. I only know this too well here in Germany: that doctors do not want to realize that the final decision is taken by the patient and not by them. But not all of them are.

6 months ago
Reply to  user372745733

So this means that not all wisdom teeth are to be pulled, but that you practically exchange the jaw tooth because the wisdom tooth is pushing?

All right, then eat whatever tooth there is. I thought you were supposed to pull FÜNF teeth and I’ve never heard that before.

6 months ago

Yeah, as he said, I felt it was too bad.

I can only assume that they know each other privately and therefore speak…

6 months ago

Hello user372745733,

how you’re dealing with pain, you need to know it yourself. But you should take the pain pills afterwards, as it has said. You shouldn’t wait until you feel the pain. And sleep as much as possible.

It makes sense when a brace is installed immediately, at least partially. If a tooth is to be displaced by an entire tooth width, then it is already good if you can let it slip into the newly created hole/hole.

Good luck!


6 months ago

“My friends have said these anesthetic injections are with the worst pain they had in their lives…”

So the syringes at my whiteness tooth surgery were harmless. Think what would be without these syringes??

6 months ago
Reply to  Regina3

Voice to the second part.

For the first part: syringe into the front gums harmless, only shorter poks, but in the palate area (behind gums) – aua in square.

The rest was harmless, even afterward.

6 months ago

I’d be in your place urgently second opinion to get in.

Wisdom teeth do not always have to be drawn, not to mention a healthy tooth.

And I can’t follow the argumentation of your CFO: it’s not so eager that you can’t wait a few more days. It seems to me that he wants to build up time pressure for some reason.

6 months ago

The anesthetic injections are unpleasant, at least the first stitch, but he does not hurt. After that, it’s sometimes already stunned and you can’t feel anything.