Erfahrung mit Autofolierung?

hat jemand bereits Erfahrung mit einem eigenen folierten Auto oder kennt jemanden, der eins hat?

Mein Auto hat einige kleine Kratzer, die zwar nicht alle direkt sichtbar sind, aber mich persönlich doch stören. Gerade weil das Auto eigentlich teuer ist und schöner Aussehen kann. Mein Plan war also tiefere Kratzer auszupolieren und anschließend das Auto zu folieren.

Gibt es da noch Sachen, die man beachten sollte?
Wie sieht es mit Haltbarkeit aus? Muss man irgendwann neu Folieren oder kann man durch Wartung die Folienhaltbarkeit kontinuierlich erneuern?

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3 years ago

I’ve been an advertising technician for 21 years, and I know very well. Although I am not a driver torturer, thousands of vehicles have been labeled and partially tortured.

First of all, you should look for a good filmer near you who works reasonably and has a good reputation. If a vehicle full adhesion is badly done, it becomes quickly annoying and is associated with much trouble and time loss. If you contact a slider with the car, he can show you that there are infinitely many possibilities in the choice of films, design and effort. Let you give a cost estimate beforehand, taking into account the effort in the pretreatment that affects the quality. If, for example, handles, headlights or other components are removed beforehand, the film can be pulled better and more clean into the depressions and beads. If this does not happen, it is cut clean but often still visible.

Do not wonder about prices between 1500 and 2500 euros, depending on the version. Full torture is associated with a lot of time, pre- and post-work.

Important: If you have a relatively new vehicle, you can preserve the paint by filming and receive it. If the foil is removed again before the sale, this means an increase in the value of the car that you then have out again. However, in the first half year, the car should not be folled as some materials and adhesives are still extinct.

3 years ago

If you can, write @_umspannwerk_ on Instagram.

This is a filming company from Leipzig in Saxony. Whether you are a customer or not, all questions will be helpful, quick and friendly answered and that is completely free.

MfG Greeny