Erfahrung Bodyformer?

Habe heute ein Videovorschlag bekommen in dem ein sogenannter “Bodyformer” gezeigt wurde. Mag sein dass ich mal wieder hinterm’ Mond lebe aber ich habe von diesen Teilen noch nie gehört geschweige denn sie mal gesehen zuvor.

Hier ein paar Bilder mit dazugehörigen links:

Nun zu meiner Frage: was kann ich mir darunter vorstellen? Ja ich habe mir die Links natürlich auch durchgelesen. Allerdings Frage ich mich hierbei nun ob dies dasselbe Prinzip ist wie mit Ausbindern, welche das Pferd ja nicht reel stellen. Bzw ob dieses “Tool” tatsächlich nützlich und eine gute Hilfe fürs Pferd ist oder es nur in eine Position forciert wie eben auch bei Ausbindern? Laut diversen Quellen soll der Bodyformer das Pferd lediglich dazu animieren den Bauch anzuspannen – was ja erstmal nicht schlecht ist. Im Gegensatz zu Ausbindern welche das Pferd ja tatsächlich nach unten holen und eben eine gewisse Haltung “erzwingen”. Hat hier jemand ggf Erfahrung gemacht damit?

Bevor ich eine auf’n Deckel bekomme; nein ich habe nicht vor mir dieses Teil anzuschaffen zumal ich die Preise diese zwei Metallplatten auch viel zu überspitzt finde.

Bin interessiert was andere hierzu zu sagen haben – vielleicht geht’s euch ja gleich und ihr habt davon ebenfalls noch nie etwas gehört.🙋🏻‍♂️


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6 months ago

I see this very similar, it looks like a permanently knocking leg and initially certainly has the advantage that is described, but still no real rider.

To date, it’s still used, but under physiotherapists for horses, the Mobility Bridle is the type. The same also usually say that the rest of it is Murks 😅

6 months ago

Looks cruel. So, as if you want to provide a Sixpack with a belt with internal spikes… if you are always forced to use construction h for fear of pain, this is a rather questionable therapy. Terrible!

6 months ago

I don’t know, but I don’t find it illogical when I think of people… here too, back pain is often only present because abdominal muscles are missing and the body is in balance

This is going to have the effect that the horse almost “stretched” and thus tensions the abdominal muscles – only question for me would be if this had a reconciliation effect where the horse then quasi “white” that nothing more happens

6 months ago
Reply to  Silanor

Ne, you can’t compare it with connectors – the “force” the horse rather into a posture that must then last forever! But you train muscles through and relax in change

I can’t imagine that the “wabble” hurts, looks more like rubber bumps?

I think there are the shaking legs / boots of some beginners worse

6 months ago
Reply to  Repwf

the part is rough animal cruelty.

6 months ago

I will not ankiick this link because I don’t want such content on my start page.

I see on the second picture pretty sharp nubs. the effect should be similar, wei in humans in a heavy backpack with narrow straps, which is only attached to the back. should lead to worst tensions and skin problems and also not be particularly good for heart. In addition, a horse that is so grated can no longer breathe decently.

it’s always amazing what people can think of tormenting horses. that is part of FOLTER.

on the first picture I see that there is no warning of the belt buckle at all. in any case, the belt is somewhere else. in this case, the shoulder is also blocked to the tormenting sting.

pretty pissed all over.

but rather great for riders who cannot let permanent thigh knock. best knocking hacking with ground spore. the effect is the same.


I would not link such tortured instruments to life anywhere.

6 months ago
Reply to  Silanor

it’s really amazing what some people might think of to get ahead of work.

I could imagine that it is possible to produce a nabel or bauchdecke break with a permanent longer application at the horse.

6 months ago

So I don’t know these body shapers either. But I don’t think this may be nice for the horses.

6 months ago
Reply to  Silanor

I don’t know if the parts are so bad. Probably they’re not so great for the horses, but maybe it does. I also have no experience with this body shaper.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Proper ride is enough.

6 months ago
Reply to  Silanor

Properly longing is enough