Erdnussmus-Gläser mit versifftem Deckel verkehrsfähig?
Als ich gestern Bio-Erdnussmus im Glas mit Metalldeckel kaufen wollte, fiel mir zufällig auf (als ich das Glas schräg vom Glasboden aus ansah…), dass der Spalt zwischen Deckel und Glas mit einer braunen Paste beschmiert war… Als ich andere Gläser kontrollierte, fiel auf, dass das Etikett mit Fett besudelt oder am Hygiene-Siegel zerrissen war…
Wer macht sowas?
Sind das Kunden, die iwas Braunes unter die Bio-Ware-Deckel schmieren? Das war im Neubaugebiet von Schwerin…
Darf der Laden sowas überhaupt absichtlich zum Verkauf anbieten?
These are production errors that happen and ideally they do not get into the sale. And if they are not sorted out on site, the scenario described by you happens.
I would appeal to the market, order a new carton and hopefully forward it to the headquarters.
they were quite dismissing… the hygiene product cleansers sent me to the meat counter, although I am vegan… and then they looked steeply from above on the snow-white metal lid and always said that there was nothing to see at all… the glasses I shouldn’t have been allowed to take them behind the sneezing protection… I was totally done with the world for the rest of the day…
but why were there 3 production errors in a 6 carton?
for me it looked quite like vandalism and subsequent cover-up…
So the torn seal suggests that someone before you wanted to insure themselves about the condition of the product. And opened the glass.
Cut edge and fat on the label fit together. If only one has to wipe a bit or the “overshoot” simply runs down the glass, the label is already ruined. Or after the autoclave it is only wiped off when the glass is sorted out.
Sounds like this could have happened well during the bottling. If you point out the store, they’ll probably sort out the glasses with broken seals. For the other glasses with light pollution, I don’t see any reason to dispose of the food.
but how to screw up the glass without breaking the shmodder into the peanut?
I think he’s gonna blow up. The lid rests on the edge of the glass.
Apart from that, it would be half as wild, the Schmodder is probably after dried peanuts.
ne… ne Film isn’t there…
but there are such small “Laschen” on the edge of the lid… I am very sure that these tabs would convey the shmodder to the peanut…
I just bought glasses that didn’t have any Schmodder outside…
Therefore, I already stressed that the lid rests on the glass. The glass may even be additionally sealed by a foil. The area between lid and glass belongs to the outside of the vessel. This is harmless, no problem and no reason to dispose of a whole batch of food.
it bakes in the ridge between lid and glass… that looked totally uncanny…
Which bakes on the outside of the glass. No problem.
Dried peanut mustard does not provide a good breeding ground for most microorganisms. It would therefore surprise me if it were “faulous”. It’s not a reason to dispose.
yes… ranty old lazy peanut… in the best case…