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10 months ago

That’s what you used for a milk right now? Normal milk, soy milk, vegetable milk?

If it was normal milk or H-milk, it might have been bad. The best thing is to put a long straw down and try this reddish liquid first. If she tastes funny, the milk was already broken. If not, I’d just touch everything and try again. But in my opinion, this happens only when the milk was bad.

I can only say that happened to banana milk, the milk had already expired a few days, but it was still good. I just mixed everything together and then everything was okay again! Maybe it just happened to you, so try it before, mix it again and everything’s okay again!

10 months ago


The liquids have separated.

Then it looks “normal” again.

10 months ago

It doesn’t matter.

The juice of the strawberries has dropped. Take the spoon and stir everything thoroughly and you will see your strawberry shake is the old one again.


10 months ago

etdbeeren contain acid.

that puts the milk thick.

you did not use an emulsifier, so that the whey and a bit of coloring have dropped off from the strawberries.

the upper part has become crisp with quite safety, i.e. flogged.

heartfelt gratitude – you have made fruit cheese😁

if I want to mix acidic fruits with milk, I mix the milk beforehand with a skinned teaspoon powder for instant vanilla cream and put it up before the fruits come in and I mix everything.

which also works if you use a vegetable drink or buttermilk instead of milk.

10 months ago

The fat of the milk has dropped. It’s normal.