Erdbeeren mit oder ohne Zucker, egal ob süß oder nicht?
Ich esse dunkelrote Erdbeeren grundsätzlich ohne Zucker, meine Kinder je nachdem, ob es Sahne dabei gibt und meine Schwiegermutter packt grundsätzlich eine Menge Zucker auf Erdbeeren, egal ob süß oder nicht. Sie probiert die Erdbeeren vorher nicht, weil es egal ist, denn es MUSS vorher Zucker drauf.
Wie handhabt ihr das?
This is normal for grandma of a certain vintage/age.
So that the child gets something else. In the eyes of the grandma is love and also need, because all children are “knownly sub-nourished”.
In the same way, you often experience the omis that the children animate to remove the butter a little thicker or to take a table of chocolate as dessert.
Talk to the loving grandma, but keep in mind that this behavior comes from a time when a poor potato had to feed the whole family for a whole week. Therefore, the urge comes to squeeze the smallest of all possible calorie! So I’ve got a chance.
P.S. My grandma is born in 1906. She fled to the west with her three daughters (7-12) from the Soviet army from Silesia. Without food – without money! She never got rid of it again that the children have to have something extra. When she died high in 1999, we found some tables of chocolate in a drawer and note: “For the Urenkele”.
The children don’t get strawberries, they do this for themselves.
I always eat them without sugar. Otherwise I can eat sugar without something.
I like the taste of it.
I also, fruits, especially strawberries, must taste for fruit (herdberries) and not for sugar
Only through the sugar is the strawberry taste really good.
Always without sugar, they are sweet enough and otherwise the strawberry is no longer tasted. Many people are unfortunately so conditioned on sugar that they can no longer classify natural food.
If the strawberries are aromatic and from the surroundings, or their own garden, they are pure enjoyed.
But if they’re still a little immature, I’ll give some vanillin over it.
Strawberries must always be mixed with a lot of sugar in water, otherwise tastes niche. Then add a little rose water or orange blossom water. Then it tastes heavenly.
I’d rather avoid additional sugar candies and eat them like that.
I always eat strawberries without sugar. I’d never have noticed anything else. Depending on the weather, there is a vanilla ice cream.
Yes, I do exactly that, on strawberries always comes sugar and whipped cream, and vanilla ice cream.
More and more not (:
As a child, strawberries with sugar were also gang and bones with us. Today I eat them more without 😅 do not know why you are actually with sugar
Because then it tastes much better.
I hate it when you sweeten fruit! There’s some fruit sugar in there. Of course, if a fruit isn’t that ripe, you can sweeten. In such cases I use xylit (boron sugar).
With sugar and percussion, also crushed and with sour cream.
Sugar, so sweet less. And if there’s cream 😀
If there are self-made strawberry varieties then without sugar
Also cream without sugar
I like cream without sugar.
No strawberries, no cream, no sugar.
It’s unhealthy.
Strawberries are healthy
You have better effects and less side effects with other foods.
Bullshit. It depends on the measurements.
Why should I drill into some strawberries and blow my sugar budget?
I even know. Excessive consumption of sugar is known, but industry is thankful, one is sleeping.
if you mean…
There’s the sugar from you.
Excessive thinking about nutrition also …
Sugar addiction is a bad poison.
You eat them for me. I eat the foods left. ^^
It won’t be unhealthy because it blows your self-placed “budgets”.
And no one says you’re supposed to eat strawberries, you’re just not supposed to say such a nonsense…
Eat your effects like any other person.
I don’t want to eat “effects”, I want to take food to me and if it still tastes it’s great.