Vomiting after binge eating?
I eat little or nothing for a few days, and then I binge on everything and can't control it anymore. At first, I feel good and strong, so I can manage not to eat, and then I have such a complete loss of control. I can't manage to eat normally anymore. I toy with the idea of throwing up afterward, but I just can't manage it. I'm actually fine, except I feel nauseous and dizzy a lot. I wonder why that is, because I eat enough. I'm not even losing weight because of it (unfortunately!!!!). I love seeing the weight go down so much. My BMI is 17.5, and I want to keep going, but I just can't. And there are only two options: either sticking with it, which doesn't work, or throwing up. What's a better way to do that? Best regards
You definitely have an assault. Your body needs JEDEN day enough energy to get through everyday life, to eat little or nothing on some days is harmful to your body and your mental health, and this is probably also the dizziness.
What you do, by the way, is called Jojo effect, which makes you starve for a time is your desire for food then so strong that you often eat twice the amount you actually need once, so you want to lose weight but the opposite.
And if you eat so much once after you eat almost nothing your body is totally overwhelmed and not used to the amount of food, then it can’t digest it properly and the nausea comes from it.
That’s why you probably have an assault, please go to the doctor or therapist! Something can end fatal.
But thanks is that so bad? Because I’m not doing anything bad because I’m always eating enough? It’s probably not that harmful to health, is it? And does a therapist take me seriously? Because my weight does not even fluctuate sharply and visibly. LG
If he doesn’t take you seriously, he’s not a good therapist.
Eating wrong behavior can be harmful to health in several ways. Z.b due to malice, overweight (of which you can also get diabetes) or a distorted body image.
And before all after having eaten is definitely not normal when you make it conscious it is even worse.
If you don’t eat anything, you can’t lose weight. It’s only right, if that’s like that.
Why can’t you take off when you eat nix? And how are the fress attacks going away?
Because your metabolism goes down. Your body stands on hunger and distress so it burns little and goes into emergency mode. What your dizziness explains. And if you get so ne dressattacle your body takes up the 10 compartment. And your dreads come because you don’t eat properly.
how this goes away? You know. Learn more about biochemistry and nutrition then you understand what you need to do and why something is as it is.
should generally eat 3 times a day and have a protein-rich diet with little sugar and noodles and bread.
and get some rice.
You probably won’t be able to take off. It’s important for you to get away with it. It would also be better for health if you accepted.
Because of the pressure you feel, or because you don’t feel good when your weight rises, you can help in psychotherapy.
What you’re writing is an eating disorder.
That’s all right.
Why is that okay? I feel really bad about that? And why can’t I take off?
Why not?
There’s no reason to feel bad.
This has to do with your body. He just won’t take off. There is no reason why this should be a problem.
Why not and why can’t I take off?
You shouldn’t get it. you have a massive eating disorder. And you should let them be treated.
It’s clear that you get dizzy when you eat too little. Not the same as the frescoes. Your body is no longer taking off, because that would be even more harmful. That’s a kind of self-protection. But of course he does not last forever. At some point, they starve. Before, however, his organs are damaged – often irreparable. Proud to be because you manage to eat little, that’s just stupid.
I feel good and strong.
I even believe you feel that way. The fatal thing is, it’s a deception. You’re no longer worth it because you’re stupid. You’re worth something because you are. You have to find something different with the help of a therapist, what makes you feel good.
It may be immensely important to you to be thin, even too thin. But if you don’t care, this disease will accompany you for a lifetime. You don’t just stop it. The word SUCHT is in love. And getting out of such a thing is very hard. And the risk of falling back remains a lifetime.
Thank you
You should know what you eat.
I eat everything so in me then, lots of fat and sweet in such a moment unfortunately
Why, unfortunately? No problem.
I do not want to increase:/