Vomiting from shisha/cigarette?
Hello everyone.
I smoked cigarettes from 2021 until March of this year. I also smoked a shisha last summer and again in February of this year. My question now is: if I start smoking cigarettes/shisha again now, could it make me vomit? I have to say, I haven't had any problems with that so far 🙂
If you really need to smoke again, do it!
Your body will answer you if he says NO – keep a cute bag ready.
I stopped smoking once – out of conviction. –
I’m not gonna start anymore – not with grass.
Is above all a question of dose (the less the better) and fresh air supply (the more the better). You can’t exclude it.
Yes, I’ve had it several times in my life. I had to bite cigarettes and also waterpipe. ^^