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1 year ago

You inherit wealth, but also debt!

If you stop it completely. In your case, I think it makes sense to assume whatever is open to challenge so from the lawyer if you have legal protection, see if that is covered or just call there and make appointment.

As a rule, even if it would sell the bank or a broker for you, you get out there with a plus, the height depends on how far you, he, you have more debts and whether the house is paid off.

I would sell the house in your place, and look for something smaller, in town-nears, ground floor and good infrastructure and doctors nearby. If there is still much left to enjoy the rest of life, perhaps what to get abroad and spend the winter months.

And yes I can think you may have a lot on the house, but a house for a person is just too big, except you have another family, then you can think/plan differently.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sandy796

The first step to do something is to understand something first, then to accept and then to make it easy. Of course, it can be “simplified” or until you get there at all, but if you never start, you can never end it.

I wish everything is as good as possible for you. I can imagine that you have completely different construction sites with nursing stage 2 and then there’s something like that, my greatest respect. I hope you will find suitable people who can help you or take some weight and you can just enjoy your life.

Much strength and great success. I’ll push the thumbs!

All Love


1 year ago

If he is in the land register, you are sleeping, then the part of the house goes to the next potential heirs.

1 year ago

Then the house will be sold when you sleep the heritage.

1 year ago

You can complete the heritage.

Parts of these are not possible.

1 year ago

Your husband was co-owner of the house? you are sleeping out, who inherits this part? there are children, inherit them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sandy796

you inherit wealth and debt