Er ist in mir gekommen kann nehme aber Pille?

Ich nehme seit August die Pille und das regelmäßig und genau heute hatte ich ungeschützten gv also ohne Kondom und er ist in mir gekommen kann ich schwanger werden? Sollte ich zu Sicherheit die Pille danach nehmen?
Ich danke jetzt schon für die Antworten

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4 months ago


If you take the pill regularly, do not testify, do not have diarrhea and do not take any medicines that affect the effect of the pill, you have taken the pill regularly at least 14 days before the break (does not apply to the Belara and the like, there are 21 days), the break does not take longer than 7 days and you will not take it at the latest on 8th. Day again with the pill (applies to most pills), then you are also protected in the pause (in which you get a bleeding and no period) and immediately afterwards (so uninterrupted), to 99.9% (the missing 0.1% refer to unnoticed or unadmitted intake errors according to expert opinion). You are also still protected in vomiting and really liquid diarrhea if you reagier properly and take a pill when it happens within 4 hours after taking the pill. In this case, only really aqueous diarrhea counts as diarrhea. If that’s true, you can’t get pregnant. The pill is one of the safest contraceptives and if you are both healthy you can dispense with the condom and he can also come in you.

NOTE: If you take the pill after that you can lose the protection of the pill. The protection will only begin once the pill has been removed after the pill at least 14 days uninterrupted and error-free.

Greetings HobbyTfz

4 months ago
Reply to  Liah045

That’s not bad

4 months ago

You take the pill, so you didn’t have an unprotected GV!

If you have always taken the pill error-free and regularly, it will also protect you from pregnancy!

Please NOT take the pill after that, which puts your normal pill out of force. The pill then shifts your ovulation -> but you do not have one because you take the hormones of the anti-baby pill -> so everything is good!

4 months ago

At first it is quite difficult to trust this little pellet. But why do you actually use hormones every day if you do not trust this method of contraception? It is the purpose of this contraceptive to protect you from a conception.

And why don’t you use condoms if you don’t trust your method of contraception alone?

The pill is a fairly reliable method of contraception and a pregnancy in the absence of misuse. According to the expert opinion, the fact that it does not have a Pearl Index of Smooth Zero is probably due to unnoticed or non-admitted intake errors.

Happy for you!

4 months ago
Reply to  isebise50

So I had to say something about it now.I take the pill to get my days regularly, through the pill I have less pain and everything runs perfectly

and not because I want to prevent it despite everything I usually use condom

4 months ago
Reply to  Mxrqa

Thank you for sharing your story with me.

4 months ago

That’s how children get worked. Well done 👍🏽 Congratulations already.

4 months ago

With correct pill intake? More than unlikely.

Then why this cynical comment?

4 months ago

Why are you writing such a nonsense? Do you have any idea why the pill is taken?

4 months ago

The pill is completely sufficient for contraception, with proper intake.

The pill after that is only for absolute emergency. It’s not a cough bonus. So you mutate your body with an irresponsible hormonal cocktail and completely eliminates your cycle.

4 months ago
Reply to  Liah045

Depends on which pill you take. Some should be taken very accurately…

4 months ago

If you’re standing for 12 hours, it should fit.

4 months ago

If you take the pill, as described in the instructions, everything is good. She’s done

3 months ago

You had no

unharmed sex, we’re coming for it?

4 months ago

You are protected

4 months ago

Why don’t you use a condom?