Epiphone SG Special VE EB oder Ibanez GRG121DX-WNF?

Ich möchte anfangen Gitarre zu spielen und habe jetzt zwei Modelle im meinem Preissegment gefunden die mir gefallen. Ibanez GRG121DX-WNF und die Epiphone DG Special VE EB. Ich kann mich aber aktuell nicht entscheiden. Was würdet ihr mir raten, bzw. habt ihr mit diesen Gitarren Erfahrung?
Grüße und danke im voraus!

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11 months ago

Hi! I blow into the same horn as Vando: if you somehow have the opportunity to drive into a music store and compare live. I’ve done this myself (189 Km just to Thomann and tried out) and that has kept me absolutely from a mistake. Can be a nice day trip.

To the guitars mentioned: I bought the Ibanez GRG 170 DX…


Difference in comparison to the GRG121 according to optics: mine has a third single-coil pickup in the middle and the Tremolo … as an absolute beginners can You don’t care about it. Otherwise it seems to be the same guitar, just with two humbuckers, could have a little more pressure. Soundfile sounds like mine. I can only distribute best notes for handling and material personally (!) but as I said: live on site tested, but the model was also a recommendation from a guitarist for me.

I couldn’t find the epiphone, right? I can’t say anything about that.


11 months ago

Go to the store, play, take the best. You just don’t buy guitar unplayed. (And if you do, you’ll be guilty of buying a guitar that doesn’t tell you. Grade if it is the first.)