Epic GTA VI?
Hallo mir wurde mein Epickonto somit mein GTA VI und mein Rockstarkonto gestohlen! Habe beides zurück bekommen jetzt frage ich mich ob sich mein GTA VI wieder mit meinen vorhandenen GTA VI Profil bei Rockstar verbindet oder ob das Spiel ein neues Anlegt?
Yeah, that should be. Try it in.
But how can you even own gta 6?
Thanks for the hint I meant GTA V
Oh, okay😅
as everything as before was thanks
No problem
Yes I instantly stressed as someone stole my Epic Store account and I’m busy getting everything back
It’s up to what you’re playing on ps5 I don’t know that well, but on the PC you just need to log on to the rockstar page and go to gta and you’re logged in with your account
So the profile always remains I wonder because Rockstar told me I had to buy GTA VI
Theoretically, you should be able to log in if you have not deleted the game or if you are on your account
it was stolen from me and now it has