Entspannt ihr euch am Wochenende?

Nach 5 Tage 8h oder mehr Arbeit…

Was macht ihr am Wochenende oft?

Stress ihr euch mit Sachen die man nicht sofort erledigen muss oder entspannt ihr euch lieber?

Also nur minimale Arbeit leisten müssen wie. Am Wochenende mal die Wohnung einmal komplett reinigen. Immer wieder die Klamotten vom Trockner in die Waschmaschine stecken und umgekehrt und mal Lebensmittel bis nächsten Samstag kaufen. Mehr nicht

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1 year ago

Household, laundry, shopping, resting, hiking and even doing nothing.

1 year ago

It’s different.
Sometimes I reflex the whole weekend.
Often you have a lot of work to do, where you have no time.
e.g. cleaning, lawn mowing, gardening, laundry etc.

1 year ago

I’m working for six days and I’m free for one day. That’s why I’m trying to make the house on the other days, and I’m just trying to buy it on the free day and make it a trip. If the weekend was exhausting before, I rest and do nothing – like reading, playing guitar, TV, computer games, sleeping.

1 year ago

Since I have a 44 hours working week, Sunday is unfortunately my only free day & there I have to prepare some things for the next 3-4 days e.g.

Wash laundry – if I can’t make it on Saturdays, cook, clean the apartment and then again in the evening about 19:30 – unfortunately.

1 year ago

I relax every night, I have a houseman. On the balcony with a lot of greenery.

On the weekend I spend time with the donkey group on a camel arm.

I used to have horses I had myself.

1 year ago

After training, I never had a job again where you worked 5 days a week and had free on weekends. So the weekend was never something special and the days like all the other days too.

1 year ago

Now I let the house clean

Since we always work

Also weekend

Have you ever mourned the gr

The horses cultivated

Was with the dogs at the veterinarian(Prevention)