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THC and all other over 100 different cannabinoids of the cannabis plant are Resin flowering, not in roots, not on stems or stems.
However, small traces of THC can be found on the stem/stalk/stalk if resin heads have previously dropped and remain adhering to the stem.
Yes in it is THC, but not really enough to be sealed by it.
However, you can make hash or extract from a lot of cuts.
In the case of illegally growed weed, the stem/stalk should never be smoked, since fertilizer could still be in the stalk.
And when does a plant begin to form THC?
Cannabis sativa is two-handed: there are separate male and female plants. THC is largely concentrated in the flowering parts of female plants. The leaves and the male plants contain less THC, the stems and seeds practically none.
No. Just like the leaves…
Felt leaves should make minimal high
Not quite correctly contain up to 25% (in high-performance varieties) in the leaves can still contain 1-2%. The strain contains up to 0.3%.
I did not consider this circumstance to be worth mentioning, as I think that concentration is usually insufficient for a psychoactive effect.
Due to the profit-oriented breeding of cannabis, there are also varieties whose flowers far exceed the value of 25% THC content.