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6 months ago

After passing examination, your position immediately changes from the Azubi to the Geselle/Kaufmann/Employer or the like. Therefore you are entitled to a corresponding fee from the 29.06.2024.

However, it depends on whether you get a fixed salary or are paid only per layer.

It’s best to go to the works council when there is something.

6 months ago

Then you probably got paid for all June as an apprentice. So you would have the highest claim to the difference. Whether it is worth taking up a legal dispute can be doubted.

6 months ago
Reply to  Wolfi121314

If the company is so good, I would have looked around for another employer.

6 months ago

Well, if the old contract is on the 28th End and the new one starts at 01….

6 months ago
Reply to  Wolfi121314

The question is whether a wage or salary is spoken in your contract.

Wage = pay per hour worked – Since you did not work on the 29th and 30.

Pay = fixed wage per month – You would be proportional to your salary for the two days.

Since the 29th and 30th but Saturday and Sunday I am going out from the first version, since weekend work is usually a shift system.