Entfernen vom DB Killer der Akrapovic Komplettanlage R7?
Moin. Ich hätte eine Frage bezüglich entfernen des DB Killers. Bei den meisten Akrapovic anlagen muss man in der innen Seite reinbohren um dann an eine Schraube die den DB hält ranzukommen. Bei meiner scheint das nicht zu sein (907983410000). Habt ihr da Erfahrung wo die Schraube sitzen könnte bzw. wie man den DB Killer entfernen kann?
Vielen Dank im voraus!
Why do you have to fuck around the part? If the cops have you on your ass, you’ll shoot your mill home. There is also one on the transmitter. Don’t pay.
First of all, I just care how he sounds without. Wouldn’t mean I’d drive 24/7 on the road. Who loves the slayer;)
Probably louder.
In the last large-scale motorcycle control on the nationally popular motorcycle track near me, only 10% of the bikes have had excessive noise emissions. The remaining 90% of the drivers hate this 10% because there are only those controls at all.
either you give me an answer to the shit or you leave it ♥
Not at all.
An interesting question by jmd, who has been a member of us for almost two years and then, in his first question, wants us to participate in his illegal project….
As if the two-wheelers weren’t already in trouble with roadblocks, because residents complain about the crash caused by individuals…
Man, these bags are so loud enough. You’re getting trouble.
If he were loud enough, I wouldn’t make him out;) Unfortunately very lean of Akrapovic