Englische Ortsangaben?

Hey das klingt warscheinlich sehr bescheuert aber ich verwende in meinem Buch nur Orte dies wirklich gibt; hab in google maps in ganz cooles Haus für den main character gefunden und ich bin zu dumm für die Ortsangabe 😅 Wie soll ich “40-23 Greenpoint Ave,New York City, New York” in einem Buch so schreiben, dass es leserlich ist? Danke haha

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1 year ago

How about a short description of the house and a neuralgic point in the surroundings.

At the corner of Greenpoint Avenue and the 38 street, is the pharmacy of

Stefan the pharmacist lived three houses further.

But I don’t see anything extraordinary?

Tip search for homes at real estate agents there are some super interesting houses. Save website which is sold the link goes to empty.

1 year ago

I would write:

The 40th Greenpoint Ave in New York City.

What does this 40-23 mean?