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2 years ago

I couldn’t say that on a flat-rate basis – for the Allermeiste you get (at German universities) with German and a small bit of English, but if you want to read or have to read current specialist publications, you don’t get around for advanced English skills. Fortunately, it is not so bad – most physicists do not speak better English than the average middle-level student (except for the technical vocabulary of course).

2 years ago

The point is that after studying, you have to publish specialist articles and those appear today all in English. But writing is much more difficult to understand than reading.

2 years ago

at least at the beginning of your studies, you should actually get through with German. At some point you will not get around English in the normal case, but the English in the natural sciences is generally relatively simple.

is just asking what you mean now with “very good” and “something”. you should be able to understand a text written in English.

2 years ago

You must also be able to English. Depends on which direction you study or study physics in general.