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2 years ago

Brother the amount makes the poison, ne normal Redbull can has 46kcal per 100ml so inseminated 115 kcal, that is not very much now, but should you drink 4 pieces of it is already almost a quarter of the recommended calorie requirement of an adult man. Much worse is the amount of sugar in there, so try to limit yourself to a maximum of one per day.

2 years ago
Reply to  MandyLumma


2 years ago

Depends on the variety. Per se, it is mainly calorie value, but many varieties are sugar-free and have hardly any calories.

2 years ago

If the sugars have, they have a lot of sugar.

Monsters and so zb 20-50% more than Coke.

But there are also lights, with SüSSStoff

2 years ago

all that you do not take into measure makes thick 🙂 except low calorie things like sweet, sugar-free energys etc

2 years ago

Without sugar 0 calories