Energy Drink Wirkung?

Hi Leute…

Ich hab eine Frage.

Ich hab Monster Energy um 17 uhr angefangen zu trinken & um 18 uhr aufgehört zu trinken.

Wie lange ist die Wirkung?

& wann ist das Koffein aus meinem Körper raus?

Wie viele Stunden muss ich dann warten um Bier zu trinken oder soll ich das Bier ganz weg lassen?

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9 months ago

Caffen has a half-life of about 4 hours.

Meaning, after 4 hours, the cold of caffeine is gone again.

After 8 hours, there is still 1/4 of the caffeine.

With a monster can you have a lot of caffeine, let’s say about 4x cups of coffee.

After 8 hours, it seems like you drank 1 cup of coffee.

If you want to sleep well, then you should start at 15:00-16:00 to drink caffeine.

9 months ago
Reply to  Hexe111111

Beer has alcohol that every person processes differently. It has nothing to do with caffeine.

9 months ago

Well, blame yourself.

But yes, alcohol is always stupid. 1-2 small beer is enough to be relaxed

9 months ago

Must know yourself. Some good, others not. Beer doesn’t have so much alcohol. If you drink the first bottle over 45 minutes and not on ex, you’ll notice if you’re bad.