Enduro Mischreifen Kurven?
Ich wollte mal Fragen ob man mit einer Enduro die Mischreifen drauf hat auch Einigermaßen Gescheit in die Kurven kann? Ich muss ja jetzt nicht knieschleifen aber halt wenigstens mit etwas Neigung!
Danke im Vorraus?
Ich wollte mal Fragen ob man mit einer Enduro die Mischreifen drauf hat auch Einigermaßen Gescheit in die Kurven kann? Ich muss ja jetzt nicht knieschleifen aber halt wenigstens mit etwas Neigung!
Danke im Vorraus?
Hallo, heute beim tanken ist mir versehentlich etwas Benzin auf den Lack gekommen. ist das schlecht oder egal?
Wie heißt der Lack von diesem R34? Und sieht das auf dem Bild alles legal aus für Deutschland?
ich möchte mir eine sxf kaufen für wheelies da sie deutlich günstiger als eine exc ist. kann man mit der sxf(350,450) genauso leicht wheelies machen wie mit einer exc in bezug auf ansprechverhalten von Motor und Kupplung?
Hey, ich bin neulich an nem Biker vorbeigefahren der n echt coolen Helm hatte. Ich hab bestimmt schon ne Stunde mit suchen verbracht. Leider nix gefunden. es war ein schwarzer half Face Retro Helm. Ähnlich wie diese Blech Schalen bloß dass dieser über die Ohren geht. Aber eben nicht wie die ganz klassischen runden Teile….
Moin hat die Rieju mrt 50 immer 25 und 45 Papiere? ich würde gerne Papiere für Eine Rieju Mrt 50 (Baujahr unbekannt) beantragen. das Problem ist nur das ich mir das Ganze auch sparen kann wenn sie damals nur die 45er Papiere hatte, weil ich nur eine Mofa- Prüfbescheinigung habe. Und was kostet es die…
Habe heute eine neue Kette mit nietschloss an mein Motorrad angebracht und habe mit dem werkzeug und schlüsseln extrem stark vernietet. Sieht alles gut aus und auch bei der probefahrt keine probleme. Aber kann man zu fest vernieten?
yes, if the tire is also for the road. these are the so-called “adventures”.
but you can also put yourself into the curve with rough-toothed tires – only not as far as a road tire.
This always depends on the tire or the mixing tire. This, of course, is not a road tire, so you can’t get into the slope with an enduro. This alone prevents the reduced static friction/ripening surface, but this does not make any human with such a box anyway. At least I don’t know anyone.
but I am
I don’t know what you’re doing. if you think about 100 back tires then your statement is true.
So I got on my 150-160 back tyres in the summer and these are the same as a supermoto or sportsman. Your statement wouldn’t go.
I actually thought about these 100 tires….
You may be right….Everyone has his preference and personal taste. Which box I was interested in was the Yamaha Tenere 1200, but it’s just over 20 kg heavier than GS. And by the way… Audi is trump when I want to drive Mercedes I’m calling myself a taxi as it’s so beautiful….
yes, the front is a matter of taste I and my son are passionate motocrossers, and the Kati just irritated me, which she does not matter in what situation, which brings maximum sportiness out. I had the GS in sight. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and is also a matter of taste (like Audi vs. Mercedes ), with the Kati I must stay in Europe – with the BMW I would also drive into the Ural – as the BMW is more robust.
I don’t think any of us are doing anything wrong.
I had a 1290 from Mattighofen in sight for a short time. But I just don’t like the front. The front four-piston brake system from Brembo really impressed me. From higher speeds down to brakes, which you do not necessarily do (i.e. at least I do not) goes without steering trembling/lowering, lateral distortion etc. But now, anyway, I somehow landed at the GS.
So I bought my KTM 1290 Super Adventure R two years ago and I bought more tyres. the Conti of 2 years ago I still have and he has hardly lost profile. But he may have had a total of 4 months – as I said, I fit my tyres and the weather. (have its own tire mounting machine, there’s something done in 15 minutes)
So until now I can only say that it is the best summer tire. (without much rain)
Do you have to remind me of the age….? But yes, you’re right. The enduros of earlier in contrast to today are really different. And those Supermoto’s weren’t there before. I’ve read a lot of good from the 160 Conti. How long does he last with you?
I know we both come from an annual class(laugh) where there were only enduro or roads. These times have long been over.
What was with us then Enduro is today the Enduro sports area. The road models (enduro) are already more designed to the streets and offer a mixture of terrain (light) and roads. That’s how the tires are ready. There is no clear tyre for everything. However, tyre manufacturers have also expanded in this area.
This, for example, is the tire I drive in the summer (and with the tire crack I almost every supermoto )
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 1).!432!3!433099552938!!!u!295468871519!
my winter tyres
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of 13 December 2013 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 1).!432!3!433099552938!!!u!295468871519!
these are my tires for the enduro tours with hard terrain on holiday
you see- the enduro area(for the roads it is now called ” adventure” – but people still say Enduro) has done a lot