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Although the amplifier is Class D (i.e. digital) and should therefore have a significantly better efficiency compared to analog amplifiers, it also costs only 200€ and should be able to deliver 1200W RMS to 1 Ohm. No first-class hardware can be expected. In addition, you have a load of 1600W tip or probably 800W RMS on it. Even if you only come to 400W RMS in practice, 85% efficiency is almost 70W of waste heat. With such a small housing, this can be noticed quite quickly.
So normal?
I’d say yes, but I can’t even know what you know under “very hot”.
In that with 2 parallel connected 4-ohm chassis the nominal impedance of the latter drops to lumpy 2ohm, which doubles the power and correspondingly produces a lot of heat.
And maybe the Amp nix is coming? Unfortunately no results found.
kumpel got the for 10€, nen fans on it and on it or isn’t that good that gets so hot
If she’s deaf, she turns herself off before it smokes…. If so far, I can recommend the Ampire.
Okay, then I’ll test a little bit
No, that can also be at your Gain setting.
Then the ding is shredded because with ner 60a battery switches off at 3/4
Not that either.
But if the battery has too little ampere already or
Can they turn off because the cables are too thin?
2 x 800 = 1600
And now?
1600 – 1200 = 400