Ich habe ein Gewinnspiel bei Endmox gewonnen. Der reale account von denen hat mich angeschrieben. Sie waren sehr freundlich und haben auch nur die wichtigsten fragem gestellt. Jetzt wollen sie aber 60€ für shipping haben ist das gerechtfertigt oder ist das nur verarsche?
Jo, it’s about the black Phantom, I also got the message and I’m not sure that’s what they said and now they made me an offer, the fastest delivery for 60 Euros (just about 75 ).
had someone in the story now, but can also be Fake, you already have something new (if it’s the same competition )
As it looks, you can confidently assume that only the payment of you is important.
If money is required for participation in a prize game, one can assume that it is a demolition.
Probably, where should the package come from that the shipment costs 60 euros
Had the same message also at the Black Phantoms and was then also deducted by this 60 or 70€ Shipping