Empfindlichkeit nach Beschneidung?


ich wurde am Donnerstag beschnitten und meine Eichel ist nun sehr empfindlich

Um die unangenehmen Berührungen zu vermeiden halte ich so immer den Stoff meiner Hose von meinem Körper weg und schlafe auch nackt

meine frage dazu wäre, ob durch diese Maßnahmen die Eichel empfindlich bleibt oder die Unannehmlichkeiten nachlassen selbst wenn ich alles mache, damit nix mein bestes Stück berührt

wenn es kein Problem darstellt bleibt nurnoch die Frage, wie lange es denn braucht bis die Überempfindlichkeit nachlässt


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1 year ago

The more the acorn is touched or the stimuli, e.g., to the fabric, the faster it gets used to it. It usually takes about 1-2 weeks.

1 year ago

That’s normal. Some time it is annoying until acorn and brain have learned that they need to reduce sensitivity. The desensibilisation goes the faster, the more you expose your acorn friction.

1 year ago

If you don’t try to protect your acorn from friction, you’ll get used to that your acorn is always free now. With me it was normal after 1.5-2 weeks.


1 year ago

Above all, you can’t get in there. The hypersensitivity disappears every day. Work with other things and don’t fix your thoughts on your acorn. In 8-14 days when the threads are out, it feels quite different.

1 year ago

Congratulations on circumcision. In the beginning it is unpleasant, as your ice cream was rarely unpacked. But this one gets used very soon to the new condition, as it is now getting dry and adapts to the new environment. I recommend you to more beautiful scarring to pull every 2nd self-resolving thread soon and after another 3 days the rest. At frenulum you can dsn after 2-3 weeks drag the rest. Wear more tight underwear with nix shy! Good recovery!

1 year ago


Can’t just say how it was with me now.

Having worn from the beginning on the cut penis in tight underpants, so the acorn gets used very quickly to rub the feeling on the fabric.

After about 1 to 2 weeks I have not felt rubbing.

is my personal experience

1 year ago

Shall I tell you what I did?

Mug stick around

and yes, that makes it even if you protect it even more

how long I don’t know anymore, was 5 or so

1 year ago

The less you protect your acorn from touch now, the faster it gets used to it, and your hypersensitivity decreases faster than when you treat it particularly carefully. Then, if you now “throw your teeth together” and treat the thing just as before circumcision, after a few days “through” with hypersensitivity.

1 year ago

Apply tight boxershort during the day and sleep naked, after 2-3 days you should have used to it