Empfehlungen/Tipps zum Zigarettenentzug?


in meiner Familie versucht grade jemand mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören.

Hat jemand noch weitere Empfehlungen ausser Nikotinkaugummis/-Pflaster und Tipps bei Entzugserscheinungen?

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1 year ago

There are three things you can do to help stop.

1) Nicotine replacement therapy (NET)

2) Understanding the terrible and unavoidable withdrawal phenomena that you must experience so that you can understand

3) For women before the menopause, it is clear to women before the menopause how the use of their menstrual cycle can be helpful

– NET is understood to mean the use of various forms of nicotine administration, which should replace the nicotine obtained in smoking. These products are marketed for smoking in order to alleviate withdrawal phenomena and cravings caused by the nicotine loss of cigarettes. Various forms of NET were marketed, including nicotine plasters, nicotine inhalers, nasal sprays, gums and sublingual tablets.

– withdrawal symptoms are the most ugly part of smoking. Their intensity varies between different smokers. These symptoms are often very intense and inconsistent. The good news is that in most of the days already, usually five days after the stop, they leave clearly. If you stop it, you have to expect it and plan it. These symptoms include depression, frustration, irritability and restlessness. The 10-point counter current scale for nicotine dependence gives you an idea of how intense your withdrawal will be. The degrees of dependency range from “no” to “low” to “high”. NET can be helpful if more than just is slightly addicted. If you are strongly dependent, NET may not be sufficient; It should be considered to consult a doctor and use professional help, possibly including Chantix, Hypnosis or Zyban.

– Scientists have discovered strong causal relationships between the hormones and the need for cigarettes. Most doctors agree that women who stop smoking in the first half of their menstruation cycle or the follicle phase (from the beginning of menstruation to the ovulation or the fourteenth day of the cycle), with less likelihood remain smoke-free women who stop smoking in the second half of their cycle or in the luteal phase (after ovulation until the beginning of menstruation). This is because large amounts of progesterone are present in the luteal phase, which is helpful in the excretion of nicotine from the body. And this reduces the withdrawal symptoms. Even during the luteal phase, women are less tempted to smoke when they see other smokers due to the reduced estrogen levels which are much higher in the follicle phase.

1 year ago


Recommendations/Tipps for cigarette withdrawal?

According to statistics, the transition to e-cigarettes is the most successful method, even in terms of sustainability.

Without aid, there is a risk of falling back, in the first attempt, about 97%.

NET products, as already mentioned by you, can also help. The best option is nicotine sprays. Nicotinkaugummis would be possible. Nicotine plasters look more like placebos, as the human skin, in this way, almost leaves nothing.

The background why e-cigarettes are so successful, you temporarily exchange only one inhalation with another.

For success, but also health, this is the decisive and most important step. E-cigarettes are comparatively harmless. This is evident E-cigarettes’ harmfulness potentialagainst cigarettes at less than 5%. This means that the situation would not be harmed further. E-cigarettes are then evaporated in liquid with nicotine. With correct use, withdrawal phenomena can be eliminated completely. Since nicotine does not lead to dependencies away from tobacco consumption, the dependence is reduced gradually, despite further use of nicotine.

Good to you… and stay healthy.

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

1 year ago

Very banal tip: distraction. Try something new or look for an activity that you can do in the time you have won.

1 year ago

The immediately stop option is best.

After all, there are not really physical withdrawal symptoms in nicotine.