Empfehlung für Fahrradsattel Damenrad?
Hallo ich habe das Problem das bei Fahrten um die 20KM der Sattel anfängt zu scheuern. Das fahren ist aufgrund geschwollener Lippen dann unangenehm. Derzeit fahre ich einen Wittkopp Gel Sattel. Dankeschön
Hallo ich habe das Problem das bei Fahrten um die 20KM der Sattel anfängt zu scheuern. Das fahren ist aufgrund geschwollener Lippen dann unangenehm. Derzeit fahre ich einen Wittkopp Gel Sattel. Dankeschön
Es gibt Menschen die den ganzen Tag nur sitzen – Kassierer oder Büromitarbeiter die am Tag kaum Bewegung und frische Luft haben. Diese Menschen fahren dann teilweise noch mit Auto zur Arbeit obwohl es eine kurze Strecke ist die mit dem Fahrrad oder auch sogar zu Fuß machbar wäre . Ich rede hier zwischen 1…
Moin, ich hab mir ein Cannondale trail 7 gekauft, aber die Gabel ist natürlich nichts. Könnte ich dort jetzt einfach eine Rockshox Lyric Select + dranbauen? Also ist die Gabelhalterung universell nutzbar oder wie funktioniert das?
Hallo zusammen, Mir wurde letztens mein vorderreifen geklaut mit Scheibe aber die Bremse ist noch dran. Brauche jetzt aber ne neues Vorderrad und ich finde im internet irgendwie nichts. Das ist die Felge und der Reifen wobei der Reifen ja auch ein anderer sein kann aber ich würd gern die gleiche größe haben/gleiches Profil. Danke…
Meine Hinterrad Bremse qietscht nur bei einem Stillstand bzw. beim bremsen von 30 auf 20 km/h qietscht nichts aber bei 10 auf 0 km/h. Ich habe die Scheibe und Beläge mit Schleifpapier geschliffen und gereinigt.
Moin, ich bau gerade ein altes Rennrad auf. Bis auf die richtige Einstellung der Bremsen klappt alles super. Mein Problem ist das wenn ich bremse die Bremse nicht zurück in ihren Ausgangszustand springt sondern so verbleibt und anschließend schleift. Liegt das an Fehlendem Gegendruck bzw woran?
Wie viel kostet es ein Kurbel Gewinden neu zu machen (Mountainbike)
should develop the desired effect
thank you for the link I can estimate that badly. Is that serious? It looks like a toilet.
“This looks like a toilet.”
It’s practical – you can take it if you have to quickly:-D
There are more subtle models. Your labia, your decision…
Nice to meet you.
that was the tip. Today a long bike ride on the so far 60km and no aua
Okay, I’ll go to your joke game now. Then I’ll have to change it all the time. And then I need a hanger recommendation for the spare parts. So ok and now is good again
Sure, Commission
It may also be enough to use a shorter handlebar front or simply move the saddle forward and increase its inclination somewhat.
Okay, but if I run around with that thing, everyone knows what phase is. Isn’t there any more subtle models?
Scheuern has not necessarily something to do with the saddle, but rather with what lies between saddle and skin. When in the fold between the dam and thigh is the seam of a slip or the leg of a Shorts rolling together, there will be a problem with scrubbing places sooner or later with each saddle.
Therefore, the seat cushions of bicycle pants are seamlessly pulled down a piece on the thigh. So that there are no seams in neuralgic places. When it comes to avoiding shy places, the simplest Bicycle underpants. Logically below No normal underpants worn. Try it out!
Should it really be on the saddle, it really only helps to try out. Human rear parts are different! For example, the “seat bones” are different from each other, so that you need saddles of different widths. A serious dealer would first put you on a corrugated board in thin trousers, as the seat bones then press nicely and you can measure the distance afterwards. But even if in principle it is clear how wide the saddle must be, it is really an individual thing which saddle fits and which does not. Some people try 10 models and if they found a suitable one, they mount this model for 20 years on every bike.
My lips look a little out. Therefore, the narrow saddle with the cutout makes me most sense. I ordered him. Thanks for the tip
I’ll tell you that. In most men, there is a lot more hanging around the step and many come without a cut in the saddle 😉
That’s what my husband gets.
If you can mount the saddle yourself, you can try it out and then send it back.
So, cancel? And I’m sorry I reacted that way.
I know you mean your labia. And no, they don’t rub on the saddle because you probably won’t drive naked. On the other hand, the friction on the trousers and the pants rub on the saddle.
Such a recess takes Pressure gone. Men sometimes have problems with the fact that the supply vessels of the genital are depressed in the dam area and that deafness sensations occur on the penis. There’s a cutout.
But the fact that the fabric of your pants is looped over the saddle during the pedal movement, remains more or less hanging on it and instead just shoves your skin inside the fabric, so a cutout does nothing at all.
Okay, let’s say it right because I have the fear that it was not understood. So my sham lips rub on the saddle. If there’s no saddle, it should be fixed. The toilet seat was well. There’s a sign I can hang around. But the other one was okay at least with the optics.
No, that’s a question that’s the solution to your problem. The bottom of the pants is still present at the place where the recess is in the saddle, right?
What’s that mean I’m not supposed to do that?
I can only advise you to have you consulted in a really good business on site. That’s the best.
so this online tip would be more honest to me
I was in a cycling club for years. No one will be able to call you a suitable saddle. There you have to look at how the wheel is built, how your body structure looks and what saddle fits you. You also need to know what exactly you want to use the bike.
Yeah, right. I was wondering. I thought what your lips have to do with the saddle now.
For the bottom, you should just look on the spot what’s best for you.
Huh? Oh, for lips or something. Okay, so I didn’t want to put my face on the saddle. I have the same expertise as 🙂
Oh, you meant that. Quatsch with structure of the body I have now meant obesity or tendency to underweight. For example, you can think about an individual upholstery or a health saddle.
I just didn’t understand what you meant. Sorry!
It’s not about the helmet but the bottom
No, it’s best to put you on the clothes you’ll wear most on the bike in shape.
What do you mean?
Your lips are not touched by the lock of the helmet when it sits properly. That’s what you’re doing
And then I sit up with naked po and they look like my lips? Stop
At the saddle it is essential to see how you sit on a saddle, which posture you take, how the saddle feels and and and.
Body structure? So the question is serious. Please don’t answer.