Email Frage WICHTIG?
Also Erstmal Hi,
Ich brauche unbedingt hilfe.
Ich kann euch nicht ganz sagen wieso, also ich hab nh problem ein typ hat meine email bekommen und möchte damit zur polizei gehen und irgendwas machen. Ich habe aber grade meine komplette email aus meinem handy gelöscht und allgemein gelöscht? Was tun?
Kann die Polizei irgendwas noch herausfinden und lohnt es sich mein handy zurückzusetzen? KOMPLETT?
As it has been explained here, it is possible to take account of whatever you have done. And in your place, maybe I’d think about a change of my activity… I just read a question from you where it was about you pulling someone over the table with an Amazon coupon. Honestly, if they get you, they probably call it Karma.
Keyboard spins? Or the auto-correction doesn’t work….
This means that access to the mail account on the smartphone is no longer possible. But the email address still exists on the mail server and in it of course also the access logfiles, the received and sent messages, etc.
The effort was superfluous anyway if anyone from you has received an email. He already has the message….
Or was the e-mail address only meant? Then explain what someone wants with the address alone with the police….
Thank you, but can you answer with yes or no?
Can I get stress with the police?
My email was stopped,
That’ll be it. Give me your email so I can send you an email. Give me your phone so I can call you.
It hardly distinguishes anyone else email, email address and email account. Terrible.
jo…. there’s still a mess for…
Mobile has nothing to do with Mail
So the police can’t find me by email? DANKE DIR
hä, you didn’t delete the mail account, so if there were really any problems with you, the police can still come back to you
I have to say that the email was just there, so I didn’t do anything with the
of course
♪ Boi
How? Account I have deleted on snap I know zero as it is called. I got money on an amazon gifts.
Money goes back naturally
money back isn’t good, I’ll stop
no police will have an effort for 5€. They won’t be long. Like the guy goes to the police. Give him the money back and leave that crap.
I pulled someone 5 on snap, and he wrote to me that he went to the police with it
What did you do?
So I have deleted the emails on google on dates and taken out of my handy in accounts too
Doesn’t help?
You write a letter. You make a copy. You send the original to the recipient.
Now you throw away the copy. You burn the pen. You also destroy the paper block on which you wrote the letter.
What does this change to the letter that the recipient holds in his hands?
Now you want to make up the desk? You mean, really, that helps?
I’m just saying that the police can really “war me”
You should have thought about sending the mail.
Yes. With the necessary judicial decisions, this is quite traceable to you. And also the deletion of your end devices only means for a data forensic that data is found with a considerable amount of time. But it’s impossible.
Read my answer. Read it again. Think about it. Take the meaning, understand the answer.
Letter: E-mail.
Copy: The email in the sent objects.
Destroy pen and block: delete email program from phone.
Reset phone: Make up desk.
And yes, I forgot one thing: You still move -> delete email address.