Hallo zusammen
Ich habe eine Gmail Adresse und habe meine Emailadresse mit meinem Outlook Account verbunden habe dann einer Person eine Email gesendet und warte seit 4 Tagena um eine Rückmeldung aber bis jetzt kam nichts ich habe nur gesehen dass meine Email in meinem Posteingang ist
Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?
so you have two mail addresses, once G-mail and once Outlook.
Now you have to check both mailboxes.
Gmail I checked and there was no reply to my mail
then I checked Outlook and at my email stands 2 behind it I don’t know what that means clicked on it and no other email opens
Try it without Outlook?
To determine what the cause is.
Gmail I checked and there was no reply to my mail
then I checked Outlook and at my email stands 2 behind it I don’t know what that means clicked on it and no other email opens
Install Thunderbird. Outlook has always been beautiful
Write again. Shame never
Should I write or wait for the person?
Wild thought: The person hasn’t reported yet??
or I look at something in the question, because this is more than obvious…