Elvanse und Pep?
Was passiert, wenn man Elvanse (70mg) morgens nimmt und Abends Pep zieht?
Was passiert, wenn man Elvanse (70mg) morgens nimmt und Abends Pep zieht?
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Elvanse contains the active ingredient lisdexamfetamine and is a drug for the treatment of ADHD. Pep is a scene name for the active ingredient amphetamine. Explanation:
Klassiches amphetamine was synthesized for the first time at the end of the 18h. It consists of chemically two chiral enantiomers, simplified 2 molecules. Dexamphetamine and Levamphetamine. In the mid 1950s, a US pharmaceutical company managed to separate the two molecules from each other. In the subsequent studies, it is found that, apart from one another, they have the same effect. However, the dexamphetamine is about twice as potenet (strong) as levampheatmin. From then on, Dexamphetamin was used primarily for the treatment of ADHD. But there was a problem. Even the retarded capsules could be powdered, unretarded and pulled through the nose. Thus one had high potent and pharmacologically pure speed/pep. Dexamphetamin therefore has an enormous potential for abuse.
In the middle of the 2000s, a pharmaceutical company was able to artificially couple the dexamphetamine molecule to a lysic acid molecule. The compound lisdexamfetamine (Elvanse) was formed. The lysic acid molecule itself has no effect, but prevents the dexamphetamine from reaching the brain directly. Lisdexamfetamine has to be split back into lysine and dexamphetamine from a liver enzyme. This delays the occurrence of action, the plasma course is flatter (less intensive action for this longer) and an abusive application (e.g. nasal consumption) does not make any sense.
In Pep/Speed/Amphetamine, therefore, the active ingredient of lisdexamfetamine is also present. If you consume it in the evening, it has almost the same effect as Elvanse. It suppresses, among other things, the fatigue resulting from sleep disorders.
You don’t sleep.
You feel (then) broken, exhaled, empty, superfluous, mushy, puffed, and then you come to the abstrused thought that a nose would improve the fucking situation of these unwanted side effects.
One is an ADHD drug that should help you calm down and focus, the other pushes you back on.
Don’t forget to take anesthetic.